"Nobody understands me" is a fairly common curse that we experience when we keep believing that other people simply don't understand who...
Below you will find a collection of empty words, empty words and empty proverbs that inspire, cheer and encourage. You can read,...
These authentic Straightforward quotes from celebrities, world leaders, self-help coaches and more call for honesty and the pursuit of truth, but some...
For real peace being private is the ultimate medicine. But is it okay to live a private life or you should be...
Letting your insecurity draw you nearer to the Lord is one of the loveliest ways for spiritual formation to occur. Natural sensitivity...
African-American fighter for civil and human rights, Ella Josephine Baker. She worked as an organizer for more than five decades, primarily in...
If you are feeling impatient, take a deep breath and read these waiting quotes. Stay connected to this blog to read Daily...
Life is unpredictable quotes inspire you to live in the present moment, and to be fully engaged in your love and life....
You will find below a collection of wise, insightful quotes on being fed up with something. You can read these fed up,...
The process of finding salvation via forgiveness is referred to as redemption. It can also be used to refer to the process...
Humans have an inbuilt propensity to make snap judgments and to label others as heroes or failures without giving the circumstances and...
Love entails embracing the unlovable. To forgive is to grant the unwinnable. Faith is the ability to accept the unbelievable. Hope is...