Kim Jong-un welcomes Xi Jinping’s re-election with a nuclear warning
On 28th October, the world was caught off guard by North Korea’s new nefarious attempt. According to Reuters, North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles in the latest ...
On 28th October, the world was caught off guard by North Korea’s new nefarious attempt. According to Reuters, North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles in the latest ...
According to a recent study on US military might, the US military may not be able to win even one war, let alone two, as the Pentagon ...
Six years ago, Former U.S. President Barack Obama had addressed the House of Commons in Ottawa, and had warned the federal authorities, “the world needs more Canada.” ...
China's huge rise in stature and continued political and economic prosperity have put Japan's territorial integrity under threat. But Japan being a proud sovereign country is in ...
Myanmar is becoming an increasingly significant battleground between world powers. The nation has been in the news ever since the Junta overthrew the democratically elected government and ...
The global world order changed significantly after World War II, thereby, giving a steep rise to the western powers. However, the war in Ukraine has once again ...
Japan’s new defence minister, Yasukazu Hamada is increasingly turning out to be a constant pain in the neck for China and Japan’s dovish Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida. A close ...
Beijing’s biggest economic weapon is on the decline and it looks like it would be impossible to rescue it under the given circumstances. China, understandably, has been ...
Restrictions are the new normal in Canada. In the name of COVID, people’s rights are taken away with little to no justification at all. While journalists from ...
Moscow is far from being impulsive. Russia was the subject of worldwide insult after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, almost three decades ago. However, currently, Putin ...
After Japan’s crushing defeat at the hands of allied forces in the Second World War, constitution of Japan was rewritten in such a way that it made ...
During his nine years in public office, former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe earned reputation, respect and admiration from across the world, along with a sizeable ...