Biden protects Russia in International Criminal Court! The reasons are pretty obvious.
Pentagon’s advice to Biden - “When two wrongs don't make a right, it's best to just keep quiet.” Here’s why? The International Criminal Court or the ICC ...
Pentagon’s advice to Biden - “When two wrongs don't make a right, it's best to just keep quiet.” Here’s why? The International Criminal Court or the ICC ...
250,000. Two hundred and fifty thousand soldiers. More than half the active U.S. Army, and a sixth of all American forces. That’s the number of soldiers former ...
When Volodymyr Zelensky was elected to represent Ukraine, it was expected that he would launch a comprehensive anti-corruption campaign, reverse the country's economic decline, and reinvigorate state ...
Greed is a voracious urge that can never be fully satisfied, leading to an endless pursuit of more. The United States military-industrial complex, along with President Biden, ...
The case of Havana Syndrome is an example of how the US has twisted the truth as per its narrative. The U.S. government has the dominant power, ...
National divorce USA: The only way to advance and improve as an individual is to leave the past behind and start over. However, it seems that the ...
Brazil sanctions: It is widely observed that smaller nations generally try to be in the good books of the West. They stay away from any kind of ...
Section 702: USA today is currently attempting to catch two rabbits under the Biden administration making Ukraine win is the first priority and the second is to ...
The Russia-Ukraine war has completed its one year recently. More than 20000 soldiers and 30000 civilians have lost their lives in the Russia-Ukraine war on both sides. ...
Another war is about to break out in the Atlantic. The war over what UK calls Falkland Islands and what Argentina calls Islas Malvinas. Now, Argentina has ...
It needs to be no underlining the fact that France and Germany are crucial in determining the direction of the European Union (EU). Combined, they constitute the ...
Gas stove ban: “Half cooked rice in the rice-cooker” or “dimmed traffic lights on the streets causing chaos” is what living in a country led by a ...