10 Chase your dreams quotes that will inspire to achieve your goals

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Source: Unsplash

The fear of failure is the only thing that prevents a dream from becoming a reality.

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If we have the confidence to pursue our ambitions, they can all come true.

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Live as if you’ll die today, and dream as if you’ll live forever.

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Hold on to your dreams, for if they die, life will be a broken-winged bird unable to fly.

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Before your dreams to come true, you must first dream.

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It takes sweat, determination, and hard effort for a goal to become a reality.

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A man is not old until his dreams are replaced by regrets.

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Dreams are drawings… from the book about you that your soul is writing.

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When you stop dreaming and idealising, you might as well stop living.

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Dreams are the solutions to questions that will be asked in the future.