10 Golden Rules of Reading a Book

Editor: Manish Jain

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Pick Books Wisely: Make a decision based on your passion to enter a world that truly fascinates you.

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Accept the Physicality: Take a book in your hands, feel the weight of its pages, and breathe in the distinct aroma of ink and paper. 

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Create the Perfect Atmosphere: Make a warm cup of tea, turn down the lights, or just sit in the reassuring silence. 

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Read at Your Own Pace: Avoid the urge to scan the pages quickly. Take your time reading the sentences, the elegant prose, and the striking imagery. 

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Participate in Dialogue: Take part in a close conversation with the text by challenging, challenging, and embracing the ideas it offers.

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Seek Context: Investigate the background of the author, the historical setting, and the cultural influences that influenced the work to better understand its context. 

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Annotate and Highlight: Create a personalised map of your reading experience by underlining important passages and making notes in the margins.

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Share the Journey: Talk about the book with other readers, participate in book clubs, or join online forums. 

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Accept Vulnerability: Let the book touch your soul, jolt your assumptions, and stir a variety of emotions. 

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Reflect and Revisit: When you get to the last page, take some time to pause and think back on your journey.