9 Tips How to Be Friendly: Unlock Potential and Friendliness 

Editor: Manish Jain

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Smile: A simple smile can make a big difference. You come across as friendly and approachable right away. 

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Use Names: Addressing someone by their name demonstrates your concern and interest in them. 

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Listen Actively: When someone is speaking to you, pay close attention and show interest in what they are saying by asking questions.

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Give Compliments: Give compliments; compliment someone on their appearance, accomplishments, or personality. 

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Show Empathy: By acknowledging their feelings and providing support if they’re struggling, you can demonstrate empathy.

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Be Positive: By concentrating on life’s positive aspects and avoiding complaining or gossip, you can spread positivity.

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Respect Personal Space: Everyone has their own personal space boundaries, so please respect them. 

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Be Inclusive: Invite classmates to join your games or conversations, especially those who may be feeling left out.

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Random Acts of Kindness: Surprise people with random acts of kindness. Small acts can make a big difference.