Atomic Habits book teaches 10 life lessons to improve habits

Editor: Manish Jain

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Get Enough Sleep Every Night: No matter what happens during your day, getting enough sleep at night is important. 

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If you improve a habit by .1 percent every day for a year, you will be thirty-seven times better than you were the day before. 

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Develop a System: Setting goals clearly is not enough. What matters more is the step-by-step process to achieve it.

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Disconnection of goals with pleasure: Putting off the things and activities that make you happy and at peace until you are successful at what you want is not fair.

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Make the good habit part of your identity: if you do so nothing can stop you from perfecting it.

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Pointing and Calling Method: You can use this method to help you not forget things. 

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Change/modify the environment: A simple process like converting space into something will compel us to use it more in the end.

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Premak’s theory: It states that “more likely behaviours reinforce less likely behaviours.” 

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Two minute rule: When trying to start something completely new, it should take about two minutes to complete.

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If we decide to join a group with a common interest and all work together, it can be a lot easier to stick to the habit.