Best 10 Ignore negativity quotes and captions to live freely

The greatest sorrow of life is being ignored; losing the one you love to a man that just does not care.

I would much rather be hated by a lot of people, than ignored by those that mean the most to me.

I hate being ignored, left in the dark, and being vindicated by a handful of people who invest what little time I have.

I cannot decide what I hate more, the feeling of being a bother, or being ignored.

I learned to ignore negative people, and simply become an exemplar of confidence and self-love.

The beauty of being ignored is you get to say what you think without the fear of being judged.

People will ignore you when you have somebody who hates you, something that you did to them, because of that, they will ignore you.

When your friends are ignorant of you, that means that they were not your friends to begin with, they are only acting that way.

Sometimes, the intent of the person is not to ignore you, it is unconsciously becoming so.

You can ignore me as long as you like, but you will never change the memories that I brought into your lives.

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