Mastering the Art: 10 Golden Rules for Cooking

Editor: Manish Jain

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Respect the Ingredients: Show respect and appreciation for each ingredient. Pick tasty spices, fresh produce, and meats that will satisfy your palate.

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Organise, Organise, Organise: To ensure a smooth workflow, keep your ingredients, utensils, and tools close at hand.

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Don't undervalue the power of preheating your oven and preparing your ingredients prior to beginning to cook. 

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Spice it Up: Salt and pepper are your best friends, but don't be afraid to try new marinades, spices, and herbs. 

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Learn the Art of Simmering by going low and slow! Simmering enables flavours to converge, turning common ingredients into dishes of extraordinary quality. 

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Accept the Maillard Reaction: The magic of browning and caramelization is the Maillard reaction. 

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Seek harmony in flavours, textures, and colours. Balance is everything. 

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Taste, Adjust, Repeat: Your taste buds are the most crucial kitchen tool. 

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Presentation Counts: A dish that is appealing to the eye not only tastes good but also improves the dining experience. 

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Cook with Love and Passion: Above all, put love and passion into your meals. You can express your creativity through cooking.