Practice these 10 Yoga Asanas for your good health and happy life

Writer- Manish Jain

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Balasana: Regular practice of this asana provides relief from shoulder and back pain also improves digestion.

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Sukhasana should be practiced regularly for at least five minutes for mental peace and to remove fatigue. 

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Adhomukha Sarvasana: Practicing for at least three to four minutes daily strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs, shoulders and chest. 

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Tadasana: Strengthens legs, staying in this pose for at least 12 seconds, this asana should be practiced at least ten times daily.

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Trikonasana: To reduce the fat near the waist and thighs. By doing Trikonasana, the problem of digestion goes away. 

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Paschimottanasana: This is a good asana for the spine, shoulders and hamstrings. It releases the lower back. 

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Anjaneyasana: During this asana, there is a lot of pressure on the hip and lower back and relieves tension in your quadriceps.

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Bitilasana: Helps in relieving the muscles of your spine, back and neck, which brings agility to your spine.

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Setu Bandhasana: strengthens the muscles of the back. Helps to overcome depression and creates a good stretch in the back, chest and neck.

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Shavasana: It is an excellent stress buster. It allows you to connect with your body, relax, and breathe after an active yoga session.