Think and Grow Rich Book Teaches 10 Timeless Lessons For Success

Editor: Manish Jain

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Desire: Anything is not going to happen without desire. So create a desire within yourself and get to work. 

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Faith: Faith is the belief that you are capable of achieving your desire or goal. If you do this, it starts manifesting itself in its physical self. 

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Visualization: If you don’t see lots of money in your imagination, you’ll never see them in your bank balance. 

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Specialized Knowledge: You have to focus your attention on special knowledge. By doing this you will become an expert in your field. 

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Imagination: You can get what you want in your life. Desire is the catalyst for any achievement, but imagination is essential to bring it into real life.

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Organized Planning: It is very difficult to achieve something big without any planning. Achieve something big then you should make a concrete plan for it.

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Decision Making: This means get used to making decisions quickly, but don’t give up on your decision too quickly.

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Persistence: You have to work hard, and it is expected that you will fail. But show persistence until you reach your goal.

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Power of the Mastermind: It is very amazing that when one person share their problem in group and how many people, work much faster.

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Subconscious Mind: You cannot think positive and negative thoughts at the same time. If you want money and success, put only positive thoughts in your mind.