TOP 10 lessons to learn from Miracle Morning Book

Editor: Manish Jain

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Take responsibility for your life: Focus your energy on making the best of what you have.

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Choose Your Story Wisely: It is our responsibility to choose the most powerful causes for the events and challenges of our lives.

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Believe in yourself and your abilities: Ask yourself daily what you want to achieve?

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Have confidence in your life, learn new things and take decision.

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Success comes from becoming a person who can be successful.

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We all struggle against mediocrity: You have to choose what matters most to you.

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Your mornings become your days and your days become your life.

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Our past is not our future: We filter every choice we make what time we wake up, what goals we set.

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Choose what’s right versus what’s easy.

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The way you wake up determines your life.

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