TOP 10 Life lessons to learn from Die Empty Book

Editor: Manish Jain

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We all have something we want to do so in the end we don’t regret how we spent our life.

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To urge you to empty yourself of all the creativity hidden inside you. 

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To bring a new clarity and sense of urgency to how you approach your work on a daily basis.

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Never neglect everything else in your life just to get the job done.

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Don’t act frantic, dying empty is not the same as living ‘like there is no tomorrow’.

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Your days are limited, that you have the potential to contribute to the world, and that you can’t work with great expectations in return for what you do.

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Choices in life. That should help you choose the work you do.

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Too many people suffer from ‘objective paralysis’, the fear of getting things wrong, and – here’s something.

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Three types of work, explaining how most of us always focus on two and ignore one of them: mapping, meshing, and making.

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Author explain how the work we do can affect people and contribute in ways we can’t always imagine or expect.