TOP 10 life lessons to learn from Thinking fast and slow Book

Editor: Manish Jain

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Your brain has two systems: System 1 and System 2: knowing that you will make mistakes when you try to answer them.

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Cognitive Ease: Your Brain Wants to Take the Path of Least Resistance. Your brain hates using energy. 

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Question substitution: We’ll immediately replace the hard question with an easy question that System 1 can solve.

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WYSIATI: Our mind can confidently draw conclusions based on limited evidence. 

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Framing and Choice Architecture: Being able to identify an alternative, more compelling framing can mean the difference between a winning campaign or a flamed-out.

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Think of the “base rate” as the frequency of an event that occurs based on historical and observable data.

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The Sunk Cost fallacy is our tendency to follow through on an action even when it doesn’t make rational sense.

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Our brains choose the familiar over the truth

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Researchers have found that exposing people to one stimulus changes how they react to another stimulus later.

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Availability bias: Relying too much on how readily information comes to mind.