Top 10 Most Bizarre and strangest lakes in the world

Editor: Manish Jain

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Spotted Lake, Canada brackish water lake is filled with mineral-rich salts, including sulphate, silver, and titanium.

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Kelimutu Crater Lake, Indonesia keep changing colour, their water becomes blue to green, red, black and brown.

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Champagne pool, New Zealand: the bubble of carbon dioxide keeps on coming out in its water. 

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Boiling Lake, Dominica: Water of the lake keeps on boiling because there is smouldering lava beneath it.

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Pitch Lake, Trinidad is the largest natural tar and bitumen deposit in the world. This strange lake is 250 feet deep. 

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Cano Cristales, Colombia is a river, whose water looks red, green, blue and orange. 

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Explosive Lake, Kivu: Large layers of carbon dioxide and large amounts of methane gas are found in the water. 

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Lac de Gafsa Tunisia: This suddenly formed lake in the middle of the desert surprised everyone. 

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Kawah Ijen Acidic Lake, Indonesia: It is the most acidic lake in the world. Its temperature at the bottom is 200 degrees Celsius. 

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Hillier Lake, Australia: No dangerous thing is found in this lake but its colour is pink.