TOP 9 Practical Ways to Stop Overthinking and Over Observing 

Editor: Manish Jain

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Keep Your Focus on the Present: Avoid dwelling on the past or worrying about the future by keeping your attention on present.

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Establish Time Limits: Give yourself a set amount of time to consider a problem or decision; after that time has passed, take action.

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Write it Down: Organizing and clarifying your thoughts can be achieved by putting them on paper.

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Talk it Out: Discuss your worries with a family member or friend you can trust. They might present a novel viewpoint.

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Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness meditation to teach your mind to be present-oriented and to stop overthinking.

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Challenge Negative Thoughts: Consider whether your negative thoughts are true. Are they founded on actual data or suppositions?

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Seek Professional Assistance: If excessive overthinking is negatively impacting your life, you might want to speak with a counselor.

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Keep Busy: Take part in mental-occupying activities like exercise or hobbies.

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Realistic Expectations: Don’t hold yourself to a standard of perfection.