Europe has a Large Heart and a Pea Sized Brain


For a considerable length of time, all of us, who raised objections against the European Union’s Open Borders Policy to take in more migrants, were labeled Racists, Xenophobic, Bigots and Hate Mongers. The legitimate concerns of critics of Merkel’s Mass Migration Policy were brushed away with broad generalizations and labeling everyone as Bigots. But now, it seems a lot of people, even hardcore Leftists, are waking up to the horrors of Multiculturalism but a considerable percentage of Liberals still remain in denial of reality.

The Europol Chief has recently admitted that the European Football Championship which is to begin in June is a highly probable target for Jihadis. He said, “It is shockingly easy to attack soft targets like cafes, restaurants or a concert hall. I am extremely concerned about the upcoming European soccer championship. It is an attractive target for terrorists.”

One does not need to be particularly intelligent to discover by himself that taking in hundreds and thousands of Migrants from the Middle East does not increase a country’s national security. ISIS has repeatedly asserted that they have succeeded in sending their terrorists into Europe disguised as Refugees. The head of Germany’s Domestic Intelligence Agency (BfV) has confirmed that ISIS Terrorists have indeed managed to enter Europe in the ongoing Migrant Crisis.

The bewildering aspect of the whole fiasco is that the majority of the Migrants seeking Asylum are not even Refugees in the sense that they are not fleeing War Zones. Credible sources estimate that only 1 in 5 asylum seekers are from Syria. Even the Vice President of the European Union has claimed that 60% of the Asylum seekers are coming to Europe because of Economic reasons and are not Refugees. But the madness continues and Europe is in free fall.

Meanwhile, the crime rates among these migrants are insanely high. Refugees committed more than 200,000 crimes in 2015 in Germany alone. The figure represents an 80% increase over 2014 and around 570 crimes committed by Refugees every day (Stats by Gatestone Institute). Experts in Sweden say the situation in the country is catastrophic. Sweden is particularly representative of the extent to which the Migrant Crisis has taken Europe by storm. The National Police Commissioner of Sweden has gone to the extent of saying he did not have resources to handle the rising spate of Migrant Attacks. The Police have declared they have entire areas which are ‘No-Go Zones.’

To make matters worse, vigilantism is on the rise. Migrant Centers have been the recipient of increasing number of attacks as the anger among the Europeans rise at their government’s total inadequacy at handling the devastating rates of Migrant Crimes. In January, a group of masked men attacked Migrants in revenge. In pamphlets, the mob declared, “All over the country, reports are pouring in that the police can no longer cope with preventing and investigating the crimes which strike the Swedish people. In some cases, for example, in the latest murder of a woman employed at a home for so called ‘unaccompanied minor refugees’ in Molndal, it goes as far as the National Police Commissioner choosing to show more sympathy for the perpetrator than the victim. But we refuse to accept the repeated assaults and harassment against Swedish women.” More recently, a building being used to shelter Migrants was set on fire in Germany as Germans cheered the case of arson.

The European governments have failed in humongous proportions to deal with the rising threat to the European Way of Life, which some might argue, is already a distant dream in large swathes of the European Union. Instead, governments have actively attempted massive cover ups to hide the criminal activities of the Migrants. It’s no longer a secret that European governments actively attempted to cover up the Cologne Rape Attacks on New Year’s Eve and there’s considerable evidence to suggest even Facebook collaborated with the governments in their attempts. But fortunately, Breitbart latched on to the story and broke the horrific events of the night to the whole world.

Wrong it would be to say that the European Governments are not doing anything to curb the rising Migrant Crime Rates. The German government has basically setup a Website ( which teaches Migrants in explicit cartoons the mores of sexual behavior and how to behave in relationships. Instead of deporting Rapists and Molesters, Norway has initiated a program which basically looks to teach Migrants not to Rape. And the Finnish Police are teaching women how to protect themselves by sternly saying “No” since Pepper Spray is illegal. Cologne Carnival Organizers even handed out leaflets to Migrants asking them not to Rape. The manner in which the governments are handling Migrant Crimes would have been funny if circumstances were not so morbid.

The situation in Europe is far worse than what is being led to believe by the World Media. Swedish Army Chief, General Anders Brannstorm believes that Sweden might be at war within a few years.

In a booklet that was circulated among the men he commands and Civil Servants and Politicians, he states, “The global environment we are experiencing which is also demonstrated by strategic decisions (taken by Politicians) leads us to the conclusion we might be at war within a few years.” In an interview to Breitbart London last year, Rear Admiral Parry RN, retired head of United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence Development, Concepts and Doctrine Center, remarked, “We will soon be experiencing minor hit and run attacks on remote parts of Europe, like Malta and the Greek Islands.”

Liberals, in the meantime, are busy celebrating the victory of Multiculturalism as Sadiq Khan became the Mayor of London. The Liberals have altogether ignored the massive influence of Muslim Grooming Gangs which target teenagers and children and force them into prostitution by enticing them with drugs and forcing them with Emotional and Physical Harassment and Torture. It is estimated that a 1000 new girls are victimised by these gangs every year. Peter McLoughlin has done a commendable job of highlighting the issue in his remarkable book, “Easy Meat Multiculturalism: Islam and Child Sex Slavery.” The book highlights the manner in which the entire Government establishment has failed the victims and continues to fail their children as Muslim Grooming Gangs continue to operate with impunity. And anyone who imagines Sadiq Khan’s victory over Multiculturalism is deluding themselves with childlike fantasies. His victory has more to do with the drastically changing demographics of London and the collective effect it has had on the Psychology of the population at large and the general Demographic trend in Europe at large. Meanwhile, as Liberals continue to ejaculate to this apparent victory of Multiculturalism, civil unrest and Street Violence has already begun in Germany as Far-right radicalization of Germans proliferates.

Perhaps the greatest indictment of Multiculturalism came from Trevor Philips, former chairman of Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission. It would do us well to remember that Trevor Philips was one of the major players who made ‘Islamophobia’ a household term. According to Trevor Philips, “We have to adopt a far more muscular approach to integration than ever, replacing the failed policy of multiculturalism.” Perhaps, the time of Reckoning has come for Europe, perhaps the time has finally come to make some tough choices, between Survival and Servility, Liberty and Tyranny. To end with Trevor Philips’ haunting words, “We have ‘understood’ too much, and challenged too little – and in doing so are in danger of sacrificing a generation of young British people to values that are antithetical to the beliefs of most of us, including many Muslims.”

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