During BLM, American cops had Trump’s support to go against rioters but in Minnesota they can only defend themselves

Trump, Biden, Black Lives Matter, BLM Protests

Social stratification and the way in which the government institutions are being criticised in a general manner threatens the very fabric of the USA’s stability. While the recent BLM protests against the police in Minnesota have too much in common with the protests last year, there is one pronounced difference. Trump administration during the BLM protests of last year stood rock solid behind the police and time and again Donald Trump tweeted that there is a need for “Law & Order”, however, this time the Biden administration has maintained a stoic silence and has left the police force on their own.

Demonstrators came out for the fourth night in a row since Wright, 20, was fatally shot by police officer Kim Potter during a traffic stop on Sunday. Speaking on Monday, Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon said that she had intended to use a Taser – not a handgun – and described the shooting as an “accidental discharge.” Both Potter and Gannon resigned after the city council passed a resolution dismissing the police, according to Brooklyn Center Mayor Mike Elliott. Potter, a 26-year veteran of the police, was arrested and charged with second-degree murder on Wednesday morning. She faces a maximum sentence of ten years in jail and a fine of $20,000, but protesters say this is not enough.

As things pan out, the situation in and around the affected area is worsening and even if we can agree that the police have taken a responsible stance, but the outrage is still amplifying. And the Biden administration is not willing to provide any sort of support or even moral patting to the police forces.

Last year, Denouncing Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters as “agitators and thugs,” President Donald Trump  called for a federal crackdown on demonstrations in cities such as Portland, Ore., where a man died after tensions between pro-Trump and liberal groups burst into violence.”The big backlash going on in Portland cannot be unexpected after 95 days of watching and incompetent Mayor admit that he has no idea what he is doing,” Trump tweeted in response to one such video posted by New York Times reporter Mike Baker, who wrote that the Trump supporters shot him and others with paintballs and pepper spray.

“The people of Portland won’t put up with no safety any longer. The Mayor is a FOOL. Bring in the National Guard!” Trump wrote. He ended his string of tweets mid-morning with a call for “LAW & ORDER!!!”

Trump was so overt and supportive of the police force and even sent the National Guards to bring “Law & Order” to these problem areas. However, nothing of even a fraction of this is visible under the current Biden administration. The police forces are left to fend for themselves and have to face the wrath of the people while the establishment does nothing and stands watching as a spectator.

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