Lori Lightfoot brings communism to Chicago with her USD 500/month dole out to mostly black families

Lori Lightfoot, Chicago, communism, USA, Mayor,

Lori Lightfoot is proposing a $31.5 million monthly payment scheme targeted at assisting low-income households, which she claims will be the country’s “largest.” Mayor of Chicgao announced in her budget statement on Monday that she intends to launch a “first-of-its-kind pilot in Chicago of a monthly cash support programme for hard-hit, low-income homes in need of additional economic stability.”

According to the city’s Budget Department, the plan will involve $500 monthly payments for 5,000 homes for 12 months and will “be concentrated on very low-income individuals who have been economically hard-hit by the COVID-19 outbreak.” In all these complicated statements, the Mayor is trying to confuse the people and hide the real intentions. By using the money as a dole to a section of society that has largely been black demographically, she wants to introduce communism and make people dependent on her freebies.

The introduction of Communism in Chicago

Ald. Gilbert Villegas, a former Lightfoot floor leader and a potential mayoral challenger in 2023, has been pushing a similar idea. He chastised the Lightfoot administration for taking so long to put a strategy in place.

Villegas tweeted, “Imitation is the highest form of flattery.” “We could have been halfway through the trial and assisting low-income families.” The idea of a basic income, which has been adopted in other cities, was debated by aldermen in March.

Ald. Jason Ervin, the chairman of the City Council’s Black Caucus, previously stated that implementing basic income before establishing a reparations programme for descendants of enslaved people would be a “slap in the face.” The fact of the matter is, blacks with a history of slavery have been asking for reparations and are by no means supportive of such schemes which only strengthen socialism in the USA.

Previous questionable actions by Chicago Mayor

Chicago city mayor is a racist. In fact, she is plagued with the very same disease which she claims to fight. A few months ago, Lori Lightfoot had barred White journalists of Chicago from interviewing her on the occasion of her completing two years in office. The best part is that Lightfoot is masquerading this blatant racism as a means of ‘restoring racial equity. The decision of the Chicago mayor to give interviews only to Blacks and persons of colour has outraged many media persons not just in the city, but across the United States.

Read more: Chicago Mayor and ‘Black Supremacist’ Lori Lightfoot bars white journalists from interviewing her

Chicago: A city in decline

In Chicago, the number of young patrol officers taking leave of absence to work outside jobs has doubled year over year since 2019. In more than eight cases out of ten, the police officers end up tendering their resignations within a year of their leaves taking effect. In 2019, 23 Chicago patrol officers took leave of absence for outside employment. In 2020, the number doubled to 49. In the first half of 2021, 47 officers did so, on track to double the number again.

Critics argue that universal basic income plans, which have been championed by certain progressives for years, eliminate the incentive for recipients to look for a job and instead give them money to spend on vices like drugs and alcohol. However, this is not it, the propagation of such plans will make the US lose its American capitalist attitude as well as the title of the world leader.

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