Wolf Spiders: Its properties and risk to humans

wolf spiders

File : Medical News Today

Wolf spiders are the fastest spiders in the planet. The majority of the tens of thousands of species in this family do not weave webs; instead, they chase and pounce on their insect food, much like the wolves that inspired their name.

Appearance of Wolf Spiders

They are brown and usually indistinguishable from other Pacific Northwest spiders. Their legs are longer than those of tarantulas, and their legs are pure yellow without any markings. The appearance of the wandering spider is similar to that of the giant house spider. The color is light brown to dark brown, with a black stripe in the center of the body. Yellow sac spiders can be yellow, white, or even green, and their legs and upper body are darker than their abdomen.

These spiders can grow up to four inches in length, and people often find them in garages and basements. These domestic spiders, about a quarter of an inch long, can be found hanging in the corner of the ceiling. Inside, they can be found in pristine and cluttered places in basements, walking areas, or unused parts of garages.

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Interesting Features about Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders’ favorite hunting grounds include woodlands, coastal forests, alpine meadows, suburban gardens, shrubs, and homes. They usually live in meadows, forests and on the coast and do not build nets or nests. They, are actually beneficial because they feed on small insects and pests in your home, such as flies, ants, and mosquitoes. Because of this adaptability, they can prey on larger insects, including larger spiders.

How to prevent these spiders from entering your spaces

Caulk cracks and holes in the foundation and outer walls, as well as add weather stripping to doors and windows, are the best ways to keep wolf spiders out of your home. Spiders can be deterred by spraying insecticides around the outside of a house, but chemical barriers are less efficient than physical barriers because they wash away if not applied frequently. Mixing a few drops of pure peppermint oil with water and spraying the mixture could also work. If you don’t like peppermint, try a citrus oil blend instead.

Is the Wolf Spider threatening?

These spiders usually do not harm us, but due to their size and shape people are often terrified of it. Additionally, they only harm someone if it is triggered. Its bite can also cause nausea and other symptoms, but not as severe as a widow’s. Black widow spider bites can be detrimental to health, and while they are usually not life threatening, they may require medical attention. Some people have severe allergic reactions to spider bites, including anaphylactic shock.

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