Outspoken Parents will be categorized as domestic terrorists in Biden’s USA

The USA under Joe Biden and the Democrats is going through really disastrous changes which may very well transform the nation into something unrecognisable. Before elections, it was believed that Joe Biden will not follow the line of the Democratic party’s extreme left, but as the months pass, the reality is befalling the people of the USA. According to an internal memo, the White House was “actively engaged” with the National School Boards Association before writing to the Biden administration, requesting that the authorities probe outspoken parents and categorize them as domestic terrorists.

The fact that the US administration is willing to label citizens who criticise the Biden administration’s policies as domestic terrorists have a striking resemblance to how the Gestapo treated Jews and Stalin treated political opponents. The witch hunt against any form of dissent or expression of the difference of opinions looks equivalent to how authoritarian and communist regimes operated in the past and even now. The NSBA memo, dated Oct. 12, raises major doubts about whether Attorney General Merrick Garland was asked by the White House to have the FBI investigate conflicts and other occurrences at local school board meetings across the United States.

Prelude to the current situation:

The memo, which was released by Parents Defending Education on Thursday, detailed at least one specific encounter with White House employees on Sept. 14, a little over two weeks before the NSBA delivered their letter to President Biden. “In the September 14, 2021 meeting of the OSAED [Organization of State Association Executive Directors] liaison group, they were informed there had been a meeting with White House staff that morning and that NSBA was preparing to send a letter to the President,” the memo reads.

“Subsequently, on September 17, 2021, the interim Executive Director emailed notice to the state association executive directors that indicated a letter requesting federal assistance would be sent.”

America is living a communist dream under Joe Biden:

The document, written by NSBA president Viola Garcia, also states that the group was “actively engaged on pandemic related problems with the White House, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Education, Surgeon General, and other government agencies.” The White House did not immediately reply to a request for comment from The Washington Post regarding what officials met with the NSBA or about the document.

The memo comes after a series of emails were disclosed last month that revealed top NSBA officials spoke with White House officials before Garland delivered a response to their letter on Oct. 4. Garland said in his memorandum that the FBI would lead the investigation into “a worrying surge in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence” directed at school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.

Biden is toying with the common American citizen:

Joe Biden is testing the patience of American citizens. He is ramming Congress with his extravagant climate, infrastructure plans and forcing down the throat of American people theories like Critical Race Theory, all while doing nothing about inflation that could reduce all his spending capabilities to dust. According to a CNN poll, 58% of Americans say President Joe Biden has not paid enough attention to the nation’s most important problems, as a majority disapproves of the way he is handling his job as the President.

Read more: BIDEXIT soon? Recent events suggest that Biden is probably not going to stay in office for long

As Biden messes things up pretty badly, Donald Trump is gaining political numbers. A series of polls this week have shown that Joe Biden would lose the US presidency to a resurgent Donald Trump in 2024. A poll from Suffolk University released this week showed Trump four points ahead of Biden, 44-40. Meanwhile, an Emerson poll shows Trump ahead by a single point, 47-46. A Grinnell College National Poll shows a 40-40 tie.

Usually, when people are appalled by the way their country is being run by the government, they wait for elections and decisively throw the rulers out of power on polling day. That is what happens in a democracy. Under Joe Biden, however, the very people who have complaints are being termed as domestic terrorists.

Joe Biden is completing the process of political exclusion of half of the American citizens. While the consideration of the disgruntled parents as domestic terrorists may seem absurd, but the ease with which such topics are discussed and considered at the highest levels of the government, Joe Biden is creating a situation from which returning to the normal will become impossible.

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