Collection of TOP Stay away quotes and Ideas

best stay away quote

Here is the collection of best stay away quotes that you can share on Instagram, twitter and facebook. These is the best collection of 30 quotes that will help you to stay away from negative people and create a peaceful environment for you.

30 Best Stay Away Quotes

I genuinely cared about you, but I’m leaving now.

Only three factors matter in the end: how deeply you loved, how tenderly you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things that were not meant for you.

How do you convince yourself it’s time to move away from someone you care about?

Some individuals think that hanging in there and holding on are indicators of tremendous strength.

However, there are instances when knowing when to let go and then doing it takes a lot more strength.

The most difficult part is losing oneself in the process of falling in love with someone too much and forgetting that you, too, are unique.

Letting go entails accepting the fact that some people are part of your past but not your future.

You have to walk away from people from time to time, not because you don’t care, but because they don’t care.

Courage is the ability to let go of what is comfortable.

Accept yourself for who you are, love yourself, and keep going.

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Be yourself Saying

If you want to fly, you must let go of the things that drag you down.

Every woman who has finally realized her worth has packed her pride baggage and taken a journey to freedom, landing in the valley of amazing change. – best stay away quotes

Many things from the past will be lost in the process of letting go, but you will find yourself.

We can only begin the lovely adventure of today if we learn to let go of yesterday.

When one door closes, another opens; yet, we are so accustomed to looking long and sadly at the closed door that we fail to notice the ones that open for us. – best stay away quotes

Leave it if you have to force it. Relationships. Friendships. Poses in yoga Ponytails that are flawless. Let that nonsense go.

Walking away is the beginning of selfhood, and letting go is the beginning of love.

Walking away is something I excel at. You learn how to reject through being rejected.

Happiness is letting go of your expectations of how your life should be and appreciating it for what it is.

Some of us believe that holding on makes us strong, yet letting go can be just as powerful. – best stay away quotes

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Best Stay Away Quotes

Knowing when to leave is a sign of wisdom. It takes bravery to be able to. It takes dignity to walk away with elegance and your head held high.

When it’s time for me to let go of anything, I let go of it. Enough is enough, my mind, body, and conscience tell me.

You should stay away from anyone or anything that is bad. Allow for all of the pros.

Simply gather your courage and walk away. Do not squander your time. The more time passes, the more painful it becomes.

Letting go of your dark past is the best decision you can ever make once you understand you deserve a bright future.

I don’t want to be the one that wakes up crying every night, so I’m being extra cautious this time. – best stay away quotes

Trust yourself and stay away from situations and individuals who aren’t looking out for your best interests.

Don’t get caught up in the details of what went wrong. Instead, concentrate on the next step. Spend your time working together to find a solution.

The only thing that a person can do is keep pushing forward.

Take that giant step forward without a second’s hesitation and without looking back. Simply forget about the past and move forward.

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