Since the start of the Ukraine war, Poland has been vague in its stand on whether to side up with Europe or GO all the way IN ITS SUPPORT of Russia. Warsaw was visibly wobbly shuttling between taking a Pro- EU stance at times and then divagating suddenly to take a softer tone on Russia. Whatever it is, the animosity that Warsaw has for EU is an open secret. But President Andrzej Duda, the president of Poland has kept a stolid political persona of abiding by the dictates of Europe albeit not keeping the best of camaraderie.

Alas, the frequent act of adhering to EU’s diplomacy has tested the limits of the populace in Poland. Residents have taken to the streets to protest and Warsaw is thus encountering a gathering storm of protest with the public raising voice against the government’s stand on the Ukraine war.
Poland showed a fine display of charity by taking in Ukrainian refugees by their side, mostly those who got displaced due to the interminable war in eastern Europe. Back then, this act of hospitality was praised by many, but the ripple effect is being felt now as the citizens have put the final word to the government, ENOUGH!
The government housed more refugees from Ukraine than it could afford. Many of these refugees took shelter in polish houses and the concerned citizens were paid well by the government to keep running the act of charity. But now, the economic situation has upended the whole scenario.
The government in a sly move has halted payment to citizens who received refugees. Adding further unrest is the appalling fact that the Duda government is yet to put a stop to the supply of military armaments to Kyiv.
“This is Poland, not Ukropol!” the protesters chanted on one of the videos that emerged online, apparently accusing the government of turning Poland into a Ukrainians. The protest coincided with the government ending its policy of paying citizens who host and feed Ukrainian refugees 40 zloty ($8.91) per day for each Ukrainian.
Read more: Biden’s sinister plans to use Poland as a “launchpad” against Russia after the Ukraine war
An overall of 3.57 million Ukrainians has found asylum in Poland and the burden of housing them and meeting their demands rests within the hands of the receiving citizens who are paid by the government for the deed. With the numbers of refugees seeing new highs, added with the cruel fact of government halting the payment tested the limits of an already growing dissent within the public for the Ruling elites.
Warsaw to date remains one of the top donors of military armaments to Ukraine. even while teetering on the edge when it comes to economy, The government is simply concerned about protecting the global image that Poland has successfully crafted after Russia announced its special military operation in Ukraine.
The war is still running with no horizon in the picture, while Kyiv is showing a facile attitude when it comes to the security of its people. It appears that the government in Ukraine is simply pushing its people to the verge of death.
Anyway, it has been decided that the polish homes will no more shelter Ukrainian refugees. What special concern it is for the Polish citizens to afford Ukrainians if their own government in Kyiv is least concerned about them.