28 Beautiful Jerry Garcia Quotes for Instagram

Jerry Garcia quotes

Jerry Garcia was an American musician best known for being the lead guitarist, singer, and major songwriter for the rock group Grateful Dead, which he co-founded and rose to fame in the 1960s counterculture. Enjoy Jerry Garcia quotes below:

28 Jerry Garcia quotes

It will work out for you if you can love it, give it your all, or a respectable amount of time and effort.

You won’t learn anything you don’t want to.

Not just the best of the best will do; you want to be the best. You aspire to be the sole practitioner of your field.

And as I’ve said before, I don’t think drugs are the issue. The issue is with other things.

It’s okay, so whistle through your teeth and spit.

The greatness of the human race serves as an example of how great and how far-reaching you might become.

Now it’s very obvious that what once appeared to be some sort of counterculture was actually just plain old mess of undifferentiated oddity.

And there is a lot of that stuff going on with people bringing their kids, kids bringing their parents, people bringing their grandparents – it’s gotten to the point where it’s really stretched out now. Never once did I want to imply that our audience’s demographics are as follows. – jerry garcia quotes

Like licorice, we are. Although not everyone enjoys licorice, those who do tend to enjoy it a lot.

We did not create the Grateful Dead; instead, the group was created by the audience. Just waiting in line to see what would happen.

Jerry Garcia’s sayings

Between the crack of dawn and the dead of night, there is a road, no simple highway, and if you go, no one may follow; that path is for your steps alone.

Selecting evil is still selecting evil when it is always the lesser of two evils.

We were really fortunate to live in a period of time when LSD was still legal and could experiment with drugs in the same way that we did with music. – jerry garcia quotes

Live performance is losing its importance and viability in favour of other media. Records, movies, and the like. They will eventually start to matter. because the time we have to be alone ourselves is finite.

As a result, it’s one of those situations where we have to pace ourselves while still reaching a sizable enough portion of our audience. We don’t want to turn off the audience, after all. Additionally, we don’t want to exclude anyone.

And our primary focus continues to be the live show.

The political and social aspects of the 1960s were, in my opinion, their weakest points. The spiritual aspect was what mattered most.

You don’t necessarily have to think about music all the time if you’re a musician, for example. As a result, I occasionally have ideas about city government and plumbing that come to me in the ways that they do. – jerry garcia quotes

There is a hint of grey in every silver lining.

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Jerry Garcia quotes

I’m looking around for a fun activity that nobody will like.

Whatever kills you kills you; therefore, your death, regardless of how it occurs, is real.

And I still have more material than I can consume in 20 lifetimes.

It’s what we do: magic. We do it through music.

You want to be the only one in your field; you don’t want to be the greatest.

Simply being the greatest at what you do is insufficient. The public must believe that you are the only person doing what you do.

It’s simply very pathetic that it must be us, but someone has to act.

Sometimes I can hardly see because the lights are so bright on me. I’ve recently realised what a lengthy and peculiar journey it has been.

When you’re truly high, you lose yourself. And to lose oneself is to perceive the world as it is. And in order to observe anything else, one must evolve into an understanding molecule and a cosmic instrument of consciousness. – jerry garcia quotes

Also Read: 19 Quotes About Being There For Someone

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