Canada is fast becoming a nation of degenerates
Imbibed with Trudeau’s woke agenda, the country’s youth are going transgender at an alarming pace, and that’s an existential threat to Canada and its cultural values.
Minors in Canada are reportedly rushing into decisions that can be difficult to reverse as they mature and evolve.
Canada must reform transgender treatment for minors
Canada offers an “unquestioning affirmative approach” where it is automatically assumed that youth who identify as transgender are fully and permanently so. Whereas, standard assessment and diagnosis practices are used in almost every other clinical encounter. Thus, it is necessary to reform the procedures for the treatment of young people who identify as transgender in Canada, and unrestricted care that pushes kids into medical transition must be stopped.
The growing number of minors taking gender transitioning treatment so easily could be a bad sign for the Canadian demography. Canada’s demographics are already in a dire state as the young population continues to decline. On top of it, allowing minors to transform their sexuality even without any consultation could have further dire consequences.
Fertility rates in the country have been steadily declining since 2009, with the trend intensifying since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: Canada’s fertility rate decreased from 1.47 children per woman in 2019 to a record low of 1.40 children per woman in 2020.
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In 2020, Canada experienced the lowest number of births since 2007 and the greatest year-over-year decrease in births (-3.6%) since 1997.
The majority white populace that tracks their ancestry from Europe would be at the most significant loss in population as a result of the negligence of the current liberal administration.
Canadians should take inspiration from European countries and learn from their innovation in the mental health sector.
The situation in the UK was quite similar to Canada but a new model has reportedly improved things.
Canadian doctors reportedly advise children on puberty blockers before they have even had their first appointment at a gender clinic. Their reason is that waiting times are long and the drugs may alleviate distress in the meantime.

Surgical treatments for youth who identify as transgender have been limited in both Finland and Sweden. Due to a dearth of supporting research, Sweden outlawed the use of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers on minors last year.
While prohibiting sex-change surgeries for minors, Finland is moving toward a model that priorities psycho social assistance to young people who identify as transgender.
The Canadian health sector presumably believes in hooking minors up on drugs and delaying their natural process. The Trudeau administration should outlaw minor surgical procedures or instead adopt the UK’s rational approach to safeguard children from irresponsible treatment.
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Surgeries should be allowed in only selected cases where alternative treatments do not bear any fruit.
The current Canadian administration should perhaps abandon its woke agenda and rather take well-thought steps to improve Canadian demographics and help children suffering from these natural issues.