We know how the prime minister of Canada always has designs on tarnishing the image of Alberta. Ever since he came to power, we have witnessed how he has been aching to smash the harmonious picture of the western Canadian region. Isn’t it? In a similar fashion, now the Liberals in Canada are on a spree to spread communal hatred in the region.
Someone has rightly said that idle hands are the devil’s tools. Doesn’t it summarise the current state of affairs in Trudeau’s Canada? Not exactly. Trudeau, you know, has a lot on his plate that he continues to ignore. Perhaps this is due to his unwillingness to address critical concerns. Because the ‘Rock-star’ prime minister of Canada has an interest in either trading Alberta to the US on some days or spreading hatred or drawing a fine line between the communities on others.
It’s disturbing how the Liberal party in Canada is overlooking the complex and serious issues but having all the time in the world for all the futile affairs in the country.
Trudeau Tactics
Collin May was settling into his new job as the new chief of the Alberta Human Rights Commission and Tribunals when he was confronted by the opposition leaders in the province. Community organizations started denouncing his appointment after learning that the new chief of the commission made Islamophobic remarks in a 2009 scholarly book.
After serving on the commission since 2019, Calgary attorney Collin May started this week in his new five-year position as chief.
And his appointment was enough for the liberals to add fuel to the fire. You see, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) is already walking with a chip on its shoulder for this appointment.
“It was very shocking and hurtful and just troubling to see some of the statements Collin May expressed,” said Said Omar, Alberta advocacy officer for the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM).
Read More: The Alberta conundrum: Ominous signs that Trudeau is ignoring
Collin May’s review of Israeli-British historian Efraim Karsh’s Islamic Imperialism: A History came to light again earlier this month in an article published by The Progress Report, an Alberta news outlet.
May’s review emphasised Karsh’s Islamophobic claim that the faith is essentially militaristic and that sparked outrage in the country.
“[Karsh] defies the multicultural illusion regarding pacific Islam and goes to the heart of the matter. “Islamism is one of the most militaristic theologies known to man, and it is precisely this militaristic heritage that informs the actions of radicals throughout the Muslim world,” May wrote in his 2009 review.
Thus, the NCCM is now all set to denounce his appointment and demand someone who can better serve the Muslim communities.
Read More: Alberta says NO to Trudeau’s dictatorship
It should be noted that the remarks in the review are not about the entire Muslim religion, but about Islamism, which represents political Islam.
The Albertans, on the other hand, have always been welcoming to the Muslim community in the region. People living in Alberta believe that the province gives one all the freedom to practice their faith or no faith at all.
Okay, here we go:
I rarely every discuss the faith I was raised in, but I gotta to say something about this.
My name – Tariq – literally came out of a verse from the Quran. I never anglicized it or hid that I was born and raised in the Middle East.https://t.co/dtfO32L4De
— Tariq Elnaga (@TariqElnaga) August 21, 2022
But Mr Trudeau is always looking for new tactics to hound Albertans. And he always ignores his other pending chores to do. Well, stop harassing the human rights commissioner and look into the major issues that need your attention.

Deviating from all sorts of crises that Canada is reeling under, Mr Trudeau is trying to play havoc with the conservative base in Alberta. It’s high time the Crime Minister now realises that it’s like a trip to the sun. Alberta’s conservatives will never say “yes” to your dictatorship.