Run by NDP members, Waterloo School Board is an indoctrination centre for kids

Waterloo Region District School Board


Waterloo Region District School Board: Canadian parents are worried about the nonsense that is being rammed down their young kids’ throats. We know how young and impressionable minds in Ontario are subjected extensively to “gender dysphoria.” Kids are being asked to choose their genders as per their will.

 Schools in Ontario have become indoctrination centres for kids and their parents are in a huff. And who is sponsoring all this? The NDP.

The Waterloo Board has become a woke mess. The Waterloo Region District School Board on Wednesday made a proclamation on International Pronouns Day. 

The information is shared on the WRDSB website along with a clip of activist education director Jeewan Chanicka greeting kids to the new school year while perched on a table and dressed in what looks to be native attire.

Additionally, it is on the board’s Twitter feed, where only a few Twitter users who the Waterloo Region District School Board considers proper (or supportive of their interests) are allowed to respond.

Source: CTV News

According to a blurb posted online, the purpose of International Pronouns Day is to “raise awareness” about personal pronouns and “affirm human dignity” by allowing people to share and use the pronouns of their choice.

According to the board, using the incorrect pronoun, such as “she” instead of “they,” can be “very hurtful, destructive, and disrespectful,”, especially to transgendered people.

According to the Waterloo School board blurb, supporters are urged to share their personal pronouns on social media and teachers are urged to bring up the subject at any team meetings. The article also suggests that readers educate themselves by watching films about trans problems and pronouns. 

Read More: Ontario Schools are telling kindergarteners to choose their sex and get taught by skimpily dressed teacher  

This instance is not the first to highlight how academia is becoming a tool to manipulate kid and teach them radical ideas. Constructive programming aimed towards young people has now been launched across the nation. And, not surprisingly, the Liberal-allied NDP has also joined the race of spreading wokeism. 

The woke cabal of NDP trustees has undoubtedly all joined the pronoun cult. Intriguingly, board chairman Scott Piatkowski, who is being sued by former trustee Mike Ramsay and instructor Carolyn Burjoski, uses the pronouns he/him on his trustee page but not on his re-election page.

However, on her re-election Twitter profile, incumbent trustee Jayne Herring does use the pronouns. Laurie Tremble is also one among others. 

What’s important to note is that equity and justice activist Jeewan Chanicka does not use pronouns on either his personal Twitter account or his education director profile. Chanicka is responsible for inspecting the environment he finds suspicious in schools. He recently inspected schools to check the academic curriculum and made some extremely shocking revelations. He found curriculum resources that included sexual orientation and gender identity.

Accidentally bumping into an Ontario school’s library can leave you stunned. They are full of books that talk about asexuality and transgender young people. A controversy transpired in January owing to the Waterloo School board staff who were in the middle of reviewing library collections at schools to make sure they were appropriate and in line with the board’s equity, anti-racist lens. 

Read More: Woke elites in Ontario go bonkers as soon as a conservative official catches them red-handed

Now, how is all this going to impact the country? A curriculum discussing gender identity in the classroom. Teachers dress skimpily and come to school. Students read age-inappropriate books. Shockingly, the NDP party trustees have themselves joined the woke cult. Amid parents hating all this nonsense, the Liberals and the NDP are busy spreading the roots of wokeism in the country. 

It’s high time now, the parents have to stand in unison to fight this indoctrination to save their kids and ultimately the future of the country.

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