What is resource conservation? Types, meaning, need & measures

resource conservation management

What is resource?

Everything available in our environment is called a resource, which we can use to meet our needs, which we have the technology to make and whose use is culturally valid. In this article we are going to talk about What is resource conservation? Types, meaning, need and measures.

Resources are mainly of two types:

Biotic resources – Resources are called biotic that come from the biosphere. Examples: humans, plants, fish, animals, livestock, etc.

Abiotic resources – Those resources are called abiotic resources which consist of inanimate matter. Examples: soil, air, water, metal, stone, etc.

What is resource conservation?

Using resources judiciously and giving them time to renew is called resource conservation. For example, by collecting rain water and using it for other purposes, in this way water resources can be conserved.

Resource conservation means using resources carefully and giving them time to regenerate. This needs to be done because resources are limited and exhaustible. Resources are unevenly distributed on the earth as the distribution depends on various physical factors such as terrain, climate and altitude.

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What is the Meaning of resource conservation?

Resource conservation means using resources carefully and giving them time to regenerate. This needs to be done because resources are limited and exhaustible. Resources are unevenly distributed on the earth as the distribution depends on various physical factors such as terrain, climate and altitude. Using resources carefully and giving them time to be renewed is called resource conservation.

Resource conservation is the management of the use of natural resources in order to provide maximum benefit to the present generation while maintaining their ability to meet the needs of future generations. Conservation includes both the conservation and rational use of natural resources.

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What is the Need of resource conservation?

Whatever natural and physical resources we have, it is necessary to be kept in a protected manner, like in natural resources, we can conserve water, if we want to conserve water that is rain water, then we can do it easily. In the same way, there are many such resources that we can conserve and it is necessary to conserve because these resources are unlimited, but when they will end, no calculation can be done, so resources protection is necessary.

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Measures of resource conservation

It is very important that these natural resources are conserved as they are depleting at an alarming rate. Apart from this, it is having an adverse effect on the environment which is indirectly harming the living beings. Modern lifestyle and advancement in technology have had a very bad effect on the natural resources. Natural resources like coal and petroleum are depleting very fast, and once they get exhausted, we have to depend on other sources of energy. Therefore, it is very important for us humans to act in a way that ensures the conservation of natural resources.

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