Spanish onions, Nutritional content, Farming and Storage

Spanish onions

Spanish onions – Overview

Spanish onions are a softball-sized onion variety with yellow or white skin. The rind is fine-grained and has a mild and sweet flavour that can be used in a variety of cooked or raw dishes. The Spanish onion originated from the Mediterranean Sea. Because of this, they grow well in warm and moist conditions. Spanish onions came in season and available from fall through the months from Winter.

Nutritional content of Spanish onion

Spanish onions are low in calories and have high vitamins and minerals. They are also easy to incorporate into your daily diet and can be added to a variety of savoury dishes.

They are: vitamin C, antioxidant, Vitamins from the B family and folate, potassium, quercetin, fiber, prebiotics.

How are Spanish onions grown?

The process of growing Spanish onions takes 4 months. These onions should get a lot of sunlight. Seeds should be spaced 4 inches apart. Once Spanish onion seeds are planted, it is important to keep the soil moist but not over-saturated with moisture as this will cause the seeds to rot. The sulphate-based fertilizer that growers use tends to produce a stronger-tasting Spanish onion, while soil rich in nitrates will have a milder flavour.

The bulbs are ready to harvest when the Spanish onion tops begin to brown and fall off. Once they have been harvested, they should be placed in a dry place and allowed to dry for about a week. Before placing in storage, the tops of onions should be cut off with about 1 inch of stem remaining.

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How to Store Spanish Onions

Spanish onions can usually last for a couple of weeks if stored properly. However, they won’t keep as long as other onions, mainly because they’re made with more water and sugar. The most important thing is to make sure they are kept in a cool, dry place when storing them.

They should also have plenty of ventilation. You can use an open paper bag or a pair of clean pantyhose to store these onions. Using a plastic bag for storage is not recommended as it will cause these onions to spoil quickly due to lack of air. It will also create too much moisture and Spanish onions will start to rot.

When buying these onions, look for solid options. They should have a good yellow or white colour and should not have any cuts or spots on the skin. This will help them stay fresh for a long time.

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