Trudeau’s data manipulation skills leave Cuomo in the dust

Remember how, in the early days of the Covid-19 outbreak, Andrew Cuomo, one of America’s most trusted speakers, became a political leper and was reprimanded for forgiving data? Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, has outrun even a flagrant liar like Cuomo in the race for lies and deceit.

The Canadian Liberal government has been covering up its dismal abortion statistics. The silence is deafening. Every year when abortion numbers are announced, the mainstream news media provides little to no opinion. There was no reaction when the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) issued their 2020 data last week, citing a continuous drop.

Perhaps the data is so dreadfully inadequate that the critics are at a loss for words. Unlike hospitals, which are also publicly supported, private clinics are not required by law to publish the number of abortions performed. Clinics appear to be becoming more blatant about not reporting, making an accurate count increasingly impossible.

How shoddy are these statistics? Just to get a glimpse of how bad things are, consider the  report produced by Patricia Maloney which found that the CIHI underreported 18,278 abortions performed in 2019 in Ontario alone. Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOI), she was able to find these numbers based on Ontario doctors’ billing codes.

“Looking for abortion data in Canada is a loaded question,” said Maloney. Maloney is a pro-life researcher who has been investigating abortion in Canada on her website “Run with Life” since 2010.

You see, national abortion numbers are only collected by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). Precise statistics on abortion are challenging to produce because no federal ministry or board is keeping track of them. Additionally, private clinics such as Planned Parenthood are not legally obligated to report the number of abortions completed to the CIHI.

CIHI has also seen discrepancies in abortion statistics when compared to data from Quebec’s RAMQ billing system. Documents show that between 2015 and 2017, there were 20% more abortions in the province than in the data collected by CIHI. These numbers exclude medical abortions and Quebec women who travelled out of the province to get abortions done.

Propaganda media outlets such as CTV News have used CIHI data to state that abortions in Canada are steadily decreasing, thus helping Trudeau further cement his lies.

We all recall how stunning and swiftly New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was humiliated on pandemic policy. Outrage over Cuomo’s decision to conceal data on nursing home deaths had swept the whole state of New York. Cuomo substantially and purposely misrepresented the pandemic’s toll on nursing home patients in New York, according to court rulings, leaks, and investigations.

Cuomo’s fall from grace is a cautionary tale of the perils of forging data. Leaders shouldn’t fear retribution for mistakes they made. While a lie may get halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on, a lie will not live on.

Media outles have started reporting about Trudeau’s lies surrounding abortion data. Trudeau, now has nothing to back up his claims. Trudeau’s vanity has worn thin among Canadians. Even some of Trudeau’s loyalists have begun to publicly criticise the Prime Minister. All things considered, just as Cuomo suffered karmic punishment, Trudeau would be captured soon for all the deception he has perpetrated on honest Canadians.

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