The proposed demise of World Economic Forum! Courtesy- Jordan B. Peterson

Jordan B Peterson

The hegemony of World Economic Forum is coming to an end. Yes, the forum which is indirectly, sometimes directly is running nations all across the globe. A forum that gathers every year in Davos to talk economy, but eventually ends up engaging in sex, sleaze and drugs and publishing reports like in future you will own nothing, is finally coming to an end.

The imminent end of the World Economic Forum is finally coming and it is being done by none other than, Jordan B. Peterson.

According to a media report by counter signal, Canadian psychologist and researcher, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has announced on Joe Rogan’s podcast that he’s launching an alternative consortium to the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF).

Peterson revealed his plans for an Exclusive Consortium in an extended Joe Rogan interview. The meeting, slated for October or November, will be invite-only but the discussions will be open to the public. Peterson aims to provide an alternative to the “apocalyptic narrative” offered by organizations like the World Economic Forum.

The meeting will be based out of London and the first meeting will take place in the fall. He didn’t reveal the name of the group, or anyone who’ll be involved.

Jordan B. Peterson stressed that, “We’re trying to put together something like an alternative vision of the future – say an alternative to that kind of apocalyptic narrative that’s being put forward, at least implicitly, by organizations like the WEF,”

End of the road for WEF

Trudeau’s arch nemesis, Jordan Peterson intends to challenge almost every belief and agenda of WEF. There are going to be several questions that the new forum will answer. First, Peterson’s WEF wants to create a competing and less dire vision of the future, such as how to get “energy and resources at the lowest possible cost.

The promotion and maintenance of long-term, monogamous couples who prioritize their children would be another important agenda item on the family policy front.

This might be the reason why, Jordan B Peterson is suddenly being targeted in Canada. In Canada, Mr. Peterson could lose his license to practice clinical psychology because he shared political posts on social media.

Peterson was hounded by the College of Psychologists of Ontario, which oversees the profession in his home province and regulates it. Just because he shared political tweets on Twitter challenging climate change, which is WEF’s single most followed agenda. And backed by Schwab’s son-like apprentice, Justin Pierre Trudeau.

Read More: The pathetic treatment of Jordan B Peterson proves that Trudeau’s fear is real

Jordan B. Peterson has been an ardent opposer of both WEF and Justin Trudeau. Mr. Peterson has argued that the WEF uses scare tactics and paints a dire picture of the future to justify proposed solutions, such as the Great Reset.

For instance, ahead of this year’s WEF meeting, the group declared 2023 the “Year of the Polycrisis,” laying out an extensive matrix of threats, with a strong focus on the supposed emergency of climate change that critics have lambasted as unfounded alarmism.

The Great Reset, which has been associated with the controversial slogan “you’ll have nothing and you’ll be happy,” puts forward a top-down approach to managing various threats.

Jordan B. Peterson is now challenging the manufacturer of liberal agendas, the master of Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, and even Biden.

Jordan B. Peterson needs to show that freedom is the only viable solution—more than just an alternative. The world will continue to remain in a cycle of alternatives if their faith in yet another group is just of some “illuminated” people. The only ones who can control the power are each of us individually. If Peterson is depicting a dream, then that dream must come true with individuality.

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