Silencing opposition is not only a direct attack on freedom of speech, but it is also an attack on the development of knowledge and progress. 60 years ago, Cuba’s progress was halted by a desperate America. In 2023, Cuba wants to rise again. How come they are again getting traumatized again in a really suspicious manner?
Tension and hostility have long characterized relations between Cuba and the United States. The Cuban Revolution of 1959, which saw Fidel Castro and his supporters overthrow Fulgencio Batista’s US-backed government, is thought to be the cause of this hostility. In retaliation, the US imposed a trade embargo, which is still in effect today and severely restricts Cubans’ access to economic opportunities. The embargo has been a major source of conflict between the two nations, with the US accusing Cuba of violating human rights and repression while Cuba accuses the US of interfering in its internal affairs.
Cut to 2022, and things between US and Cuba have not changed. Yes, there have been some positive developments. But, the core animosity still remains. Cuba has a clear vision that by any means, it needs to persuade the world to pressurize USA for removing sanctions on Cuba.
For that matter, in recent times, Cuba has done everything within its reach to set the stage against Biden Administration. From meeting with leaders of Caribbean nations to jogging the memory of Honduras to join the anti-US campaign, Cuba over the last three months has made it clear that it aspires to take down USA in South America.
Some suspicious events
But wait, how come Cuba’s friendship with neighboring allies is turning disastrous for Cubans? Over the last one week, many suspicious activities have taken place in Cuba. Three consecutive massive blackouts in February left a large portion of Cuba without electricity and other adequate services. Authorities have been unable to keep their promise to drastically cut down on power outages this year. Also, they are not able to mum out why exactly the blackouts have returned.
At least nine of the country’s 15 provinces were affected by the most recent widespread blackout on Tuesday, and the nation has yet to fully recover in regions from Cienfuegos in the center of the island to the easternmost province of Guantanamo. Union Electrica (UNE), a state-owned power company, predicted that 16 percent of the country experienced outages.

The blackouts in Cuba have occurred at a time when nations like Turkiye and Russia have come forward with their floating energy plants. The widespread power outage, which was Cuba’s third in a week, left many people baffled and worried about what the energy-demanding summer might bring when many locals crank up their air conditioners to beat the Caribbean heat.
Not only this, but there is also a shortage of food, fuel, and medicine in parts of Cuba. This is one of the primal reasons why Cubans are leaving the nation en masse.
Read More: Castro’s Child Protege is Bringing Castroism Back to Cuba
The return of wildfires
To add insult to Cuba, a suspicious looking major wildfire in eastern Cuba is spreading closer to a national park and is threatening hundreds of residents in its path. As per Reuters, the flames have already consumed more than 150 hectares (371 acres) of land and prompted the evacuation of about 600 residents from the small towns of Vivero 2, Pueblo Nuevo, and La Mensura. Cuba also reported 80 wildfires in January, according to reports from the park ranger service. The wildfires took place at a time when the weather is usually pleasant in Cuba.
Pretty weird things have taken place in Cuba in just a span of one week which is making it more susceptible that the outages and wildfires could be desperate attacks. By whom? Now, the question arises. For answers, let’s go to Washington DC where US President Joe Biden showed his intention to talk with a Cuban lawmaker prior to the blackouts. After the State of the Union address last week, President Biden was heard calling Sen. Bob Menendez telling him that they need to talk “about Cuba” in a hot mic.
Menendez, a Cuban-American lawmaker from New Jersey, is the head of the influential Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which is responsible for bringing forth legislation in the chamber. Biden approached the senator and said, “Bob, I’ve got to talk to you about Cuba.” C-SPAN cameras captured the conversation between Biden and Menendez.
Read More: The Tide Turns Against US as Mexico and Cuba Unite
USA’s blot history in Cuba
What exactly did Biden want to talk about Cuba? More sanctions? Or more vile measures to insult Cubans through new legislatures. There should be no doubt about the fact that Cuba has nauseated the US extremely in the year 2022. Cuba appeared as a strongman after decades in the Caribbean sea by increasing its cooperation in the region and stirring up support for the Haitian crisis. Cuba was undoubtedly, the blue eyed boy in the Americas in 2022.
And so, they have started their 2023 with a bump. Numerous instances of infrastructure sabotage in Cuba have involved the US. The US attempt to overthrow the Cuban government in 1961’s Bay of Pigs invasion is one notable instance. The US military bombed several Cuban airfields during the invasion, greatly weakening Cuba’s air force. Even though the invasion ultimately failed, it seriously damaged Cuba’s infrastructure.

Similarly, the US is also accused of destroying Cuba’s crop yield in the 80s by using the CIA’s help. It was a clandestine operation called “Operation Mongoose” that aimed to weaken and ultimately topple the Cuban government. One of the strategies used in Operation Mongoose was to destroy crops and livestock in order to sabotage Cuba’s agricultural industry. This was accomplished in a number of ways, such as by introducing pests and diseases into Cuban agriculture and by aerially spraying herbicides to wipe out crops.
Read More: Cuba Gains Ally as Belize Turns Away from USA
2023 is also an election year for Cuba. In 2022, Cuba’s resurgence in the Caribbean marked a potential end to US dominance in the Americas. The international community has taken note of Cuba’s return to the global stage, causing consternation among Biden and his officials. However, the reasons behind recent blackouts and wildfires in Cuba remain unaddressed.
Given the US’ history of interference in Cuba, there is a fear that anything could happen. This anxiety is causing the US to behave erratically, akin to a headless chicken. Is the Cuban crisis again co-related to USA’s fear? That we leave upon you.