Trudeau has made a mockery of Canadian citizenship, which is just a click away

Canadian citizenship regulations: Since Justin Trudeau entered office in 2015, Canada has been a raging garbage fire. Anyone who claims that Canadians are currently in a better situation definitely suffers from tremendous cognitive dissonance.

All the things that Justin Trudeau has touched since coming into power have turned to garbage, and now it is the turn of Canadian citizenship. The bond that holds a nation’s citizens together is their sense of citizenship, but that glue is no longer tenacious. The liberals are diluting it.

As per a notice published last month in the Canada Gazette, proposed amendments to Canadian citizenship regulations could allow applicants to “self-administer” their oath of Canadian citizenship through a “secure online solution without the presence of an authorized individual.” In other words, new Canadians would log in to a secure government website where they would be directed to click a button to agree to “faithfully observe the laws of Canada.”

Read More: Sorry, Not Sorry: Trudeau Leaves Canada Without Bullets

The procedure for formally establishing one’s Canadian identification may resemble becoming an ordained pastor with the Universal Life Church in a few months. What on earth happened to the nation? Dear Mr. Trudeau, an OATH is a significant rite that should not be confused with shopping on Amazon. 

Canada has reached the bottom of a completely predictable slippery slope, as has been something of a habit lately. “Click here to become a Canadian citizen” is merely the natural endpoint of the postmodern vision of Canadian identity that Justin Trudeau expressed all the way back in 2015.

Read More: Invasion of ‘Birth Tourists’: A Dark Shadow Over Canada

Throughout the 2015 campaign, Trudeau held firm to the position that the sole criterion for being a Canadian was holding a Canadian passport and not even taking part in a terrorist plot targeting Canadians could disqualify a passport holder from membership in the national community. Before the year was out, he would tell the New York Times that, “There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,” which he claimed was the world’s “first post-national state.”

It’s not unexpected that Trudeau’s tenure as prime minister has coincided with a sharp decline in national pride given his explicit and outspoken apathy towards the basic concept of Canadian identity. As per a survey, more than four out of ten Canadians reported feeling more connected to their province by the end of 2019 than to the nation as a whole. 

Canadians no longer respect their country and it is clear from the below-mentioned instances-

Source- Canadian Citizenship Test

Following last year’s Freedom Convoy protests, national media outlets ran think pieces debating whether the Canadian flag was a “racist” hate symbol. Just a few weeks ago, Canadian R&B singer Jully Black was widely applauded for changing the lyrics to “O Canada” to “our home on native land” in her rendition of the national anthem at the NBA All-Star Game.

The fact that immigrants aren’t exactly clamouring to become citizens shouldn’t come as a surprise if this is how Canadians themselves regard their nation. The proportion of long-term residents who later become citizens has decreased by almost a quarter under Trudeau’s administration, falling below 50% in 2021. 

The Trudeau administration is attempting to use technology to buck this tendency. To be honest, a better and more consistent solution, dear PM, could be to avoid, take pride in one’s own country, and remind permanent residents of the advantages of being a Canadian.

Today, Trudeau has contaminated every facet of Canada. The whole Canadian educational system, federal civil service, and legal system will need to be thoroughly cleaned out and rebuilt in addition to voting the Liberals/NDP out and getting rid of them permanently. It is necessary to restore the Great White North‘s grandeur, for a country lacking the spirit of nationalism could soon be reduced to mere fragments.

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