Former Ecuadorian Minister, María de los Ángeles Duarte, fled Argentina’s embassy in Quito, Ecuador, where she had been staying since August 2020 for political asylum, and travelled to Venezuela.
This created a diplomatic impasse between Ecuador and Argentina, with Ecuador declaring Argentina’s ambassador persona non grata and asking him to withdraw from the country. In response, Argentina expelled the Ecuadorian ambassador in Buenos Aires. Argentina’s ambassador in Caracas expressed surprise at the decision and called for moderation to resolve the diplomatic tension.
Duarte’s case is a clear example of how Venezuela has become an attractive refuge for Latin American political leaders who are persecuted by governments with pro-US policies.
Duarte has found sanctuary in the country, where she can live without fear of persecution and continue to fight against the injustice she has suffered in her own country.
Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, has made it clear that his nation will be a safe haven for those who are persecuted by governments with a pro-US agenda, and that he will continue to support them and their causes.

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Even Iran is reportedly looking to Venezuela as a possible safe haven for its leaders. Report suggests that Iran could use the country as a base for launching operations and storing assets in order to protect its leaders from US sanctions. Iran and Venezuela have a long-standing relationship and have recently increased their economic ties, with Iran reportedly sending military personnel and weapons to Venezuela in recent years.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has made several visits to Latin America and has signed multiple economic agreements with governments in the region. Other Iranian officials have also made visits and sought to strengthen ties with Latin American countries. This has raised concerns among U.S. officials, who believe Iran may be seeking to exploit the region for its own ends.
In the current context, Venezuela has become a refuge for many Latin American politicians and activists who are persecuted for their political ideas, beliefs and actions. Although Venezuela is currently in the midst of a political and economic crisis, it is still seen as a safe haven by many in the region.

The case of María de los Ángeles Duarte is a clear example of the situation in Latin America, where pro-US leaders like Lasso have adopted a hard stance against their political opponents, while anti-US leaders are seeking refuge in Venezuela. It is a situation that has created a diplomatic impasse between Argentina and Ecuador and that has put Venezuela in the middle of yet another regional dispute.