When it comes to being superior, there is no doubt that the West has an edge over Russia in many areas. However, it is important to acknowledge that Russia is a great nation with a rich culture, history, and contributions to the world. And yet, it seems that the USA and its allies are doing a fantastic job of promoting Russia without even realizing it, through their constant portrayal of the country as the bad guy.
The concept of Public Relations, or PR, is a powerful tool in shaping public opinion. In this case, the negative portrayal of Russia by the US and its allies is a form of unintentional PR that is ultimately helping to elevate Russia’s status in the world. This is because, despite the fact that Russia is weak in many areas, including its economy and stability, the constant portrayal of the country as a villain has created a perception of strength and power.
One recent example of this is the claim made by USA ally Denmark that Russia has a program to sabotage wind farms and communication cables in the North Sea. While this claim may or may not be true, it is just one of many instances where Russia has been painted in a negative light. However, it is important to remember that Russia is not solely focused on hacking elections or sabotaging systems – they have a wealth of contributions to science, literature, music, and many other fields.

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It is time to stop the BS and realize that the USA and its allies are inadvertently promoting Russia as the superior king. While there may be areas where Russia is weaker, their strengths and contributions should not be overlooked. It is time to shift the narrative and start promoting a more positive image of Russia to create a more balanced and accurate view of the country.
In conclusion, while the West may have an edge over Russia in some areas, it is important to acknowledge that Russia is a great nation with a rich culture and history. It is time to shift the narrative and promote a more positive image of the country. Let us recognize and appreciate the contributions that Moscow has made to the world, and strive towards a more accurate and balanced view of the nation.