Trudeau is working on some last minute electoral changes to ensure his victory in elections

What exactly do we have here? Our darling Justin Trudeau appears to be working on some last-minute electoral amendments in order to assure his win in the forthcoming Canadian Parliament elections in 2025.

Trudeau is having a sudden change of heart about the electoral system. 

Now, if you’ve been paying attention, you’d know that Justin has been an ardent advocate of the ‘Ranked ballot system’ because he knew he was going to win the elections. According to reports, the Ranked Ballot system would have given the Liberals 224 seats in the last election. That’s a pretty impressive number, don’t you think?

He’s been harping on about it since the 2015 and 2019 elections. It was his campaign promise. But hold your horses, for the plan to alter Canada’s voting process is now off the charts. 

Things have changed. Justin’s popularity has fallen, and people are favouring conservatives over liberals. That is a massive no-no for Justin. He is opposed to implementing the Ranked Ballot method because he believes it will give the conservatives an advantage. That’s something Trudeau doesn’t want.

Read More: Justin Trudeau prepares to hand Canada over to the Conservatives

You heard that. Trudeau has stated that he will maintain the ‘first-past-the-post’ voting system. You know, the one that’s been there since the beginning of time. The one that only allows you one vote and only counts the most votes. The one who is unconcerned about your second or third choices. That’s the one he’ll stick with.

Despite his party membership calling for a national council to investigate election reform, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he does not anticipate his government to embark on it. This weekend, grassroots Liberals approved a motion requesting that the government convene a nationwide citizen’s assembly on electoral reform. According to the proposal, the notion has been on the party’s books since 2014, and Trudeau won the 2015 election on a vow to eliminate the current first-past-the-post electoral system. But now, Trudeau seems to shift from his vow. 

Some might wonder “Why on earth would he do that?” Wasn’t he all about change and progress and all that jazz?” But he no longer wants to talk about it. It’s almost as though he’s abandoned his vows and ideals. But, well, who cares about that? Everything else can go to hell as long as he is in power. It’s simple, my dear readers. He is well aware that his chances of winning the next elections are slim. A ranked ballot system simply means that conservative candidates will be given greater weight. That’s something liberals can’t have, can they?

He also confirms allegations that the NDP attempted to include electoral change in its last-year agreement with the Liberals, but the two parties couldn’t agree on whether to employ a ranked ballot system or proportional representation. Trudeau argues it wouldn’t have been fair to push a ranked ballot system on Canadians using his majority government, which ended in 2019.

“It would be great for Canadians to be able to pick their first or second or their third choice on a given ballot,” Trudeau said on May 7. “I continue to hope that we will one day reach consensus.” He suggested his government does not intend to respond to the party membership’s resolution, which sought a non-partisan body to examine all options and report back to Parliament.

“The fact is, there is no consensus,” Trudeau said. “I’m going to stay focused on the things that matter the most to Canadians.”

This is nothing but techniques to increase his chances of staying in power. All he needs to do is continue with the current system. The one that has been there for aeons. The one who is unconcerned about your second or third choices. And who can blame him? It’s not like he has accomplished much during his time in office. So let us simply sit back and observe as he goes all out to ensure his victory.

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