Canadian Cultural Sanctity is under deep-distress and only one man is responsible for it

Canada has always been a vibrant blend of traditions, values, and cultural expressions that shape our national identity and culture. Christianity has played a significant role since colonization, influencing its history, values, and social fabric. 

Its principles of compassion, equality, and justice have contributed to inclusivity and social welfare. However, our heritage extends beyond Christianity, embracing diverse beliefs and promoting multiculturalism and religious freedom. 

Now, as the nation evolves, ideally it must honor and celebrate this multifaceted heritage that has made Canada a dynamic and inclusive country. Yet, disturbingly, there are signs of Canada’s cultural sanctity being attacked. 

Karl Marx stressed that Religion is opium to the masses. And guess, Trudeau appears to be following just that. Recent events have led many to question if Justin Trudeau has lost touch with reality. Amid economic, labor, and existential crises, the nation’s cultural foundation is also under threat.

Attack on Christianity 

Recently, Canada’s tax payer’ funded York University released a shocking document titled “Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy,” which astonishingly claimed that Christianity fuels colonialism. 

Source: York University

The religion that millions of Canadians practice is casually labeled as an “ideology” in the report. This anti-Christian sentiment comes at a time when hate crimes against Catholics are on the rise, and Christianity remains the most persecuted religion worldwide. 

To add insult to injury, the report groups Christianity with “white supremacy, capitalism, and imperialism,” a truly outrageous and unfounded assertion.

Read More: Justin Trudeau chokes Canada’s energy sector to crush the Prairies and please Joe Biden

Oh ya! Passports with unwanted Museums 

But wait, there’s more. The Canadian passport, a symbol of its national identity and heritage, is undergoing a radical redesign. The Royal Coat of Arms is set to be replaced, and iconic images such as the Fathers of Confederation, the National Vimy Memorial, the RCMP, and even the Stanley Cup may no longer grace its pages. 

Source: GNS News

Instead, they seek to replace them with images that are supposedly “more reflective of what Canada is today.” It’s a blatant disregard for our historical legacy and a step towards erasing our proud heritage.

And if that isn’t enough, brace yourselves for yet another shocking revelation. The very definition of Canada’s heritage is being manipulated. Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez wants to shift the mission of more than 2,700 museums, art galleries, archives, heritage sites, botanical gardens, and zoos. 

Rather than focusing on cultural preservation, they will be coerced into advocating for political causes like climate change and identity politics. Canada’s history will be rewritten to suit modern political narratives, all funded by the taxpayer. The new priorities of these institutions will favor diversity, equity, and inclusion, pushing aside the vital roles of education and preservation.

Trudeau and his cohorts have picked a really wrong fight. They are recklessly dismantling the fabric of Canada, undermining our cultural sanctity, and leaving the nation in a state of turmoil. It is a sad and alarming state of affairs when the leader of a nation becomes the harbinger of cultural destruction, willingly discarding our traditions, values, and sense of identity.

Read More: Trudeau’s Bizarre Gift to Canada…… A Chinese Museum!

Heritage should be celebrated and protected, not subjected to ideological crusades and politically motivated revisions. It is time for Canadians to stand up and demand the preservation of our rich history, our diverse religious beliefs, and our cherished cultural expressions. 

Canada’s cultural sanctity deserves better than what it is currently facing. It’s time Canada realizes how they are systematically being dismantled.

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