Canadians are Finally Saying ‘Eh’ to Wokeism

Canadians are no longer shy about saying 'eh' to wokeism. Has the nation finally Awaken?

Canada has long been a pioneer in LGBT rights, breaking new ground in the decriminalization of homosexuality, the legalization of same-sex unions, and the provision of gender-neutral passport alternatives. When it came to these concerns, Canadians took satisfaction in leading the way and setting an example for the rest of the globe.

Despite their progressive views, many Canadians are growing worried about how gender identity is applied to youngsters. When Ontario suggested providing non-binary birth certificates, a sizeable portion of Canadians voiced their dissatisfaction, and support for transgender rights dwindled regarding youngsters seeking medical interventions.

By opposing a rule that would have allowed public schools to facilitate gender changes without parental approval, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs recently stirred much controversy. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned this action as “far right” and received criticism for it. The majority of Canadians agreed with Higgs’s position. This suggests a change in public opinion.

Source: The Globe and Mail

According to a Leger poll, a clear majority of Canadians are on Higgs’s side. Of respondents, 57 percent agreed with Higgs, while a mere 18 percent agreed that schools should continue facilitating gender transitions without parental consent.

Despite criticism from the prime minister, the results of a poll compiled by market research firm Leger suggest that Premier Blaine Higgs looks to be on the right side of public sentiment.

Read More: Gender Fluidity will be the End of Canada

The Protests Against Wokeism 

“When it comes to informing parents about gender issues involving their children, the government appears to be on the same page with the majority of New Brunswickers,” president Colin Craig said in an interview.

51 percent of respondents feel the public school system is “moving in the wrong direction” when asked generally about education. But despite being widely despised, the policy is already the norm in most of the nation.

The official policy in school systems from Ontario to British Columbia is that if a student claims to be a different gender, teachers, and staff must “affirm” the new identity without delay. The specifics of the student’s new identity are also kept from their parents upon request.

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The progressive history of Canada in the area of LGBT rights is changing. Canadians are raising concerns about applying gender identity to youngsters. The nation appears to have reached a tipping point where people reject wokeism and call for more inspection and parental input in matters affecting their children. The future of social progressivism in Canada is intriguing and hazy as the country negotiates this new territory.

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