In a region often defined by conflict and discord, one nation stands out as the beacon of diplomacy and reason: Oman. Meet the “good boy” of the Arab world, a country whose words echo the sentiments of a region, here with a unified plea. The Middle East’s unified chorus directed straight to Putin’s doorstep.
The Middle East is now finally calling for an end to ‘Western Dominance.’
Omani Crown Prince Theyazin bin Haitham Al Said called for an end to the prevailing Western-dominated world order during his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. Addressing the ‘Russia Calling’ Forum hosted by VTB Bank, Prince Theyazin emphasized the necessity of ending the unfair global dominance by the West. Their meeting took place on the sidelines of this investment conference, marking a significant exchange between the Omani royal and the Russian leader.

“I listened very carefully to your opening speech,” said the prince, according to translated remarks published by the Kremlin. “I share all your assessments of the current international situation, primarily with regard to the need to end the current unfair world order and the dominance of the West, as well as to build a new fair world order and economic relations without double standards.”
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During his initial comments, Putin characterised globalisation as a tool used by the US and the broader Western alliance to exploit both their allies and the “global periphery,” rather than offering every nation a chance for growth and prosperity. According to the Russian leader, this system is currently in the midst of “radical and irreversible” transformations, transitioning towards a more democratic and multipolar order.
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Prince Theyazin said it was necessary to create new mechanisms for trade and international relations that would not “impose any ideologies,” and develop new economic centers in Africa and Asia. The Middle East was strategically positioned to play a promising role in strategic infrastructure projects, he added.
What’s striking here is Oman’s proposition to Putin, underlining the significance that what Oman voices reflects the sentiments of the wider Middle East.
Oman has earned the reputation of being the “good boy” of the Arab world, often seen as a nation guided by moral principles and a commitment to peace. Its policies and statements often resonate deeply with the sentiments of other Arab nations. Oman’s approach to regional and global affairs is characterized by a commitment to non-interference and a dedication to resolving conflicts through dialogue rather than confrontation. One of Oman’s remarkable attributes is its ability to maintain cordial relationships with all other nations, including those that have historically strained ties within the region.
Moreover Oman has always been eyed as the Bridge Builder. The country frequently assumes the role of an official emissary for the broader Arab world, acting as a mediator in times of regional tensions or conflicts.
Oman’s distinct approach to diplomacy empowers it to shape significant outcomes, exemplified by its groundbreaking proposal: ending Western hegemony. This proposal reflects the resounding sentiment prevailing in the Middle East. Oman advocates for detachment from Western influence, emphasizing a stronger partnership with Russia on behalf of the region.
Amid Russia’s heightened global prominence due to its ongoing conflict in Ukraine—a conflict that, despite efforts, hasn’t significantly weakened its economy or military, showcasing Russia’s potential. Moreover, other emerging powers like China and India align themselves with Russia, fostering collective growth. The Middle East aims to keep pace, breaking free from Western constraints. The region perceives the West as exploitative, hindering growth rather than fostering prosperity. Finally, the Middle East, through Oman’s advocacy, seeks to forge a new path by engaging with Putin.
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