In November 2023 alone, US bought 10,000 barrels of Sanctioned Russian Crude

Despite all the anti-Russia grandstanding, the US seems to have a knack for talking the talk but not walking the walk. Recent data spills the beans on Washington’s hypocrisy, showing that in November 2023, they merrily bought nearly 10,000 barrels of Russian oil, waving a finger at their own ban on energy imports from the country. The cost? A whopping $749,500.

Oh, the audacity! While the US claims to champion sanctions against Moscow, it turns out they conveniently left a back door open. Their so-called oil restrictions, enacted in early 2022 amid the Ukraine conflict, allegedly put a ban on Russian crude. However, the devil’s in the details – enter special licenses from the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

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So, while the US struts around with its moral high ground, it’s essentially playing a diplomatic shell game. The $749,500 oil deal becomes a symbol of political acrobatics, where bans are merely a suggestion, and special licenses are the magical loophole. Bravo, Washington – talking tough while secretly slipping a wad of cash into Russia’s pocket. The land of the free, indeed. 

Basically, the US just couldn’t resist the temptation of some good ol’ Russian oil, despite their fancy ban. In November, they made their grand return to the Russian oil market, flaunting their commitment to restrictions – or lack thereof. 

And, this isn’t a one-time slip-up. According to the reports by Global Witness and their ship-tracking wizardry, the US has been sneakily importing Russian oil through third countries. A round of applause for the “refining loophole,” where the US can conveniently ignore its own ban by letting the oil take a detour through the refining process outside Russia. Sneaky, sneaky.

Read More: Pentagon’s Missing Trillions: Financial Black Hole? 

And there’s more! The G7 and EU thought they could control the price game by slapping price caps on Russian seaborne oil in 2022. But surprise, surprise – it took until October 2023 for the US to start playing cop, sanctioning oil tankers and maritime companies suspected of daring to transport Russian oil above the agreed-upon price limit.

So, here’s to the land of loopholes and delayed enforcement – where bans are just suggestions, and restrictions are merely a joke. Bravo, Uncle Sam, bravo!

So, the brilliant minds behind the latest restrictions on Russian oil must be thrilled with themselves. Someone forgot to tell them that their grand plan isn’t exactly a game-changer. Despite their best efforts, Russia’s oil trade seems to be doing just fine. According to the market experts – you know, the ones who actually understand how this stuff works – these restrictions won’t be putting a dent in Russia’s oil exports. Last year, despite all the noise and limitations, Russia managed to ship out around 250 million tons of oil. A whopping 7% increase from the pre-sanction era in 2021. Nice try, restriction enthusiasts!

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Oh, the theatrics of the USA – officially cutting the purse strings to Ukraine, claiming they’re broke, while secretly doling out cash to Russia. In a brilliant display of strategic acumen, the US managed to play both sides. “Sorry, Ukraine, no funds for you,” they say, as they merrily fork over $749,500 for 10,000 barrels of Russian crude in November 2023.

Read More: The Myth of Russia’s Downfall

It’s a masterclass in playing the game, really. When Ukraine seemed to be losing, Uncle Sam conveniently forgets where he left his wallet. But behind the scenes, surprise! They’re cozying up to Russia, all while waving their sanction banners high. The US always sees its benefits, doesn’t it?

So, here’s to the grand charade of aid cutoffs and backdoor dealings. Bravo, USA, for the dazzling performance of talking out of both sides of your mouth – aid to one, oil money to the other. Classic.

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