How to be a Good and Responsible American Citizen

A country certainly has something called citizenship, but in this article it is not just a legal status, but it is a form of commitment in showing support and contribution to the community environment in which a person lives. Perhaps it is important for every person who wants to live in a country to understand the problem of being a good citizen and understand their responsibilities. Understanding here includes participation, the meaning of understanding when living in a country and also full responsibility. In an effort to become someone with good citizenship, especially in America, there are several things that you can implement and follow, we will discuss them in this article.

1. Understand the rights and obligations as a citizen

Before you want to become an American citizen, the most important thing is for you to understand what rights and obligations are. You also have the right to get rights which are also protected by the Constitutional Institution. Things you can get include the right to freedom of speech, freedom to choose a religion, and also are given the right to vote, but before you get these rights you are required to comply with applicable American laws. For example, as a good citizen you are required to pay taxes obligatory and regularly and not forget to participate in the ongoing democratic process.

2. Take part in activities in your Neighborhood

Apart from being obliged to fulfill your obligations as a citizen, the best thing you can do next is to become an active citizen in activities, such as being active in relationships with your neighbors and local residents around you. Participate in mutual cooperation activities, care about the environment around you, and also become a volunteer to help institutions in need around you. When you become a good citizen, you will be judged as a good person and have the impression of being a pleasant citizen.

3. Study the culture of America

When you live in a country, especially America, there is no harm in studying the culture there, starting from local culture which is usually held on several dates or National Culture which is held every year, you can also study the politics there so that you know developments in the latest government patterns and you can know what things are prohibited and also know what things must be respected.

4. Respect Diversity

In terms of respecting diversity, as humans we are obliged to respect each other in terms of not discriminating between ethnicities, races and religions. America is a large country and is divided into many regions and also in each region there are different tribes and races. -different. By respecting each other, we become good and civilized citizens.

5. Use your right to vote wisely

Just like other countries, if you want to be a good citizen you will have the right to vote and you are obliged to vote according to your wishes, but what you need to pay attention to is that you must use your voting rights well and wisely. In developed and developing countries, you as an American citizen are required to vote and conduct research on the issues that are circulating when a general election is about to be held.

6. Protect the surrounding environment

As a good citizen you are also obliged to protect the surrounding environment, there are many things you can do, but the trivial things you can do starting from yourself are to keep the environment clean by not throwing rubbish carelessly, supporting the nature conservation movement and also participation in protecting the climate.

7. Comply with and respect applicable laws

Obeying the law and respecting it is a basis and obligation as a good American citizen. This is a basic responsibility for every citizen, just as you obey traffic rules by maintaining a safe distance and not being careless in overtaking vehicles, regularly paying taxes. and not late.

8. Work and also contribute

When you work hard and can contribute to the economy, you can help the local community become strong and prosperous, for example if you own a business, or have a side business through the game kakekmerah4d, opening up employment and training opportunities for the local community.

Becoming a good American citizen is something that is sought after by some people who want to change nationality. With this article, it is hoped that it can help those of you who want to move to America to start living alone or starting a family, or looking for a decent job that can fulfill life’s needs and remain within the scope of life that complies with applicable norms and laws.

*The opinions expressed in this article are purely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of TFI Media. The content should be taken as the sole perspective of the writer.

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