Hamas Terrorism Must Be Acknowledged

In the midst of the Israel-Hamas conflict, the spotlight has turned to Rafah, people giving sympathy to Rafah, ignoring the fact that its leaders from Hamas, initiated the attack. Amidst the devastation, an uncomfortable truth emerges: Hamas, the militant organization ruling Gaza, bears ultimate responsibility for the hellish conditions plaguing Rafah as the organization has used civilian populations as launch pads for attack, have brutally murdered Israelis civilians and its relentless pursuit of violence against Israel continues to fasten its own destruction. As the conflict rages on, it becomes increasingly clear that Hamas’s agenda is not rooted in the protection of Palestinian lives, but rather in the relentless vilification of the Jewish state.

Hamas initiated an attack on Israel from Rafah shortly before Israel responded with missiles. Hamas fired eight missiles towards Tel Aviv from Rafah and even boasted about the assault. Rafah was deliberately utilized by Hamas as a staging ground for anti-Semitic warfare, fully aware of the potential consequences, Hamas invited the war to Rafah and it came. Israel’s actions on Rafah should not be subject to criticism given the deliberate provocation and aggression displayed by Hamas.

Hamas originated in 1987 during the First Intifada in Palestine. Initially, it operated as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood focused on resistance against Israeli occupation. Over time, it gained popularity through its charitable activities and militant actions, challenging the dominance of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). Its rise to power was also fueled by frustration with the perceived corruption and ineffectiveness of the PLO, gaining so much, that it launched a unilateral attack on Israel.

The once-thriving city of Rafah has been mercilessly transformed into a warzone, leaving woke liberals and global leaders aghast at the sheer disregard towards Israel. While condemnation rains down on Israel for its actions in Rafah, it’s imperative to remember the root cause of this tragic situation: Hamas.

From the outset, Hamas bears the brunt of responsibility for Rafah’s plight. The terrorist organization cynically exploited the city as a launchpad for its war against Israel. Using innocent civilians as human shields, Hamas strategically positioned its military assets within Rafah, including war tunnels and missile launch sites, which turned the city into rubble, with civilians caught in the crossfire of Hamas’s relentless aggression.

By turning the city into a battleground, Hamas has shown its utter disregard for civilian safety and international law. The organization’s anti-Semitic warfare has turned Rafah vulnerable. The ongoing conflict in Rafah underscores the continuous threat posed by Hamas. For years, the organization has used the city as a base for its attacks against Israel, with no regard for the consequences for innocent civilians. Hamas’s exploitation of humanitarian facilities further highlights its ruthless tactics, as UN healthcare facilities are used to store arms and terrorists, using them to hide Israelis refugees, as well.

Yet, despite Hamas’s blatant disregard for human life, mainstream media and public discourse often misrepresent Israel’s actions in Rafah. The blame game ensues, with Israel unfairly vilified while Hamas’s atrocities go unchecked. “All Eyes on Rafah” is also another example. Israel helped to facilitate the evacuation of over 900,000 civilians.

Criticism is rightly directed at the racial paternalism underlying the reluctance to hold Hamas accountable for its actions. While Israel faces scrutiny from the international community, Hamas escapes condemnation for its egregious violations of human rights and international law. The double standard is glaring, with Hamas given a free pass to continue its reign of terror in Rafah.

The invisibility of Hamas’s operations in mainstream media only adds fuel to the fire. Biased reporting provides moral cover for Hamas to continue its aggression against Israel, while the suffering of innocent civilians in Rafah goes unnoticed. It’s time for the international community to wake up to the reality of Hamas’s brutality and hold the organization accountable for its actions.

International bodies and leaders must recognize Hamas’s culpability in the conflict and take decisive action to address the root causes of the crisis in Rafah. The defeat of Hamas is essential to ensure lasting peace and stability in the region.

In conclusion, Rafah’s descent into chaos is a direct result of Hamas’s aggression and disregard for human life. It’s time to shift the focus away from Israel and hold Hamas accountable for its actions. Only then can we truly address the crisis in Rafah and work towards a comprehensive resolution of the conflict.

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