America: The Peacekeeper Who Loves War

The United States, in its self-proclaimed role as the global peacekeeper, has only succeeded in spreading chaos. Their egos are so inflated that they cannot tolerate the idea of Russia offering a superior peace proposal. Moscow presented a practical solution to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict swiftly. However, the US dismissed it outrightly, primarily because it curbed future American interference in the region.

By rejecting this proposal, the US is only ensuring the continuation of the war, intent on seeing every Ukrainian perish on the battlefield. This will allow the US to perpetuate the narrative of condemning Russia for Ukrainian casualties, rather than engaging in peace talks that could end the conflict and bring stability to the region.

Western politicians, in their infinite wisdom, have summarily dismissed Russia’s offer for a peaceful settlement in Ukraine without giving it a second thought. This is not just shortsighted but downright irresponsible. President Vladimir Putin has put forth what he describes as a realistic and practical solution to end the hostilities, but it seems that the West is more interested in maintaining its narrative of perpetual conflict.

Putin’s straightforward proposal includes a ceasefire on the condition that Ukraine pledges not to seek NATO membership and withdraws its troops from all territories claimed by Russia. Ukraine’s leadership (which is of course, a matter of debate as Zelensky is now the illegitimate leader), rejected this outrightly, in no time, demonstrating a clear reluctance to even entertain the notion of a peaceful resolution.

In a recent international forum hosted by Russia, Putin reiterated his proposal, emphasizing the need for thoughtful and rational consideration. He chastised Western politicians for their inability, or perhaps unwillingness, to engage with the substance of Russia’s initiative. Instead, they dismissed it completely, perpetuating a cycle of violence and instability.

Putin made it clear that his offer was a genuine opportunity to end the conflict and transition to a political and diplomatic solution. This sentiment was echoed by Yury Ushakov, Putin’s foreign policy aide, who read a welcome message from the president at the forum. Ushakov highlighted that Moscow’s proposal presents a real chance to stop the battlefield hostilities and prevent further loss of life.

However, the West, with its seemingly insatiable appetite for conflict, appears determined to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. This relentless drive for confrontation, regardless of the human cost, underscores a troubling disregard for peace. Ushakov lamented this “West-spurred military frenzy,” highlighting the tragic missile attack in Sevastopol by Ukrainian forces. This brutal assault resulted in over 150 civilian injuries and claimed at least four lives, a stark reminder of the war’s toll on innocent people.

Moscow claims that the attack was carried out using US-supplied ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster munition warheads, adding a layer of international complicity to the tragedy. This accusation suggests not only direct involvement by American military specialists in the deployment of these sophisticated weapons but also an alarming willingness by the United States to escalate the conflict.

Mikhail Podoliak, an aide to Ukrainian President Zelensky, added insult by referring to the innocent beachgoers as “civilian occupiers,” a statement that highlights the dehumanizing rhetoric disseminated by the Ukrainian leadership.

Russia’s broader objective is the creation of an indivisible pan-Eurasian security system, an ambitious vision that seeks to replace the outdated Euro-Atlantic and Eurocentric models. According to Ushakov, these models are rapidly becoming relics of a bygone era. He called for serious efforts to ensure peace across the vast expanse that includes Russia, Western, and Eastern states.

The forum, named after the late Russian diplomat Evgeny Primakov, brought together experts who could contribute to achieving this vision. Ushakov underscored the importance of their role in crafting a new security architecture that could finally bring lasting peace to the region.

In conclusion, the West’s refusal to even consider Russia’s peace offer is not just a missed opportunity but a stark reminder of its commitment to conflict over diplomacy. The world stands at a crossroads, and the path that the Western leaders are choosing could be detrimental to Ukraine.

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