Evil West and Stupid Ukraine Thwarted Peace In 2022

It’s fascinating how the West manipulated Ukraine, escalating tensions with Russia. The US has consistently undermined Russia’s peace efforts since 2022, aiming to fuel conflict. Not only did Western governments disrupt peace processes, but their media also spun negative narratives against Russia, trying to isolate Moscow. They failed at isolating Moscow but succeeded in duping Zelensky, who naively sided with NATO, sowing more chaos and hostility in the region. Russia’s genuine attempts at peace were thwarted by Ukraine’s foolish allegiance to Western powers, leaving the region in turmoil.

Ukrainian politicians are finally starting to admit what many of us have known all along Western interference played a significant role in the collapse of peace negotiations with Russia in 2022. Former head of the Ukrainian delegation, David Arakhamia, has candidly revealed that there was a real possibility of ending the conflict in its early stages. Russia had initiated practical peace negotiations, but the meddling West ensured that these efforts fail.

Time magazine recently reported that during the peace talks in Turkey, Western countries failed to provide Ukraine with any concrete security guarantees. They dangled the carrot of NATO membership without any real commitment, leaving Ukraine high and dry. This information, coming directly from Arakhamia, the head of the Kiev delegation, underscores the treachery of Western promises.

In the spring of 2022, there was a substantial chance to end the war. Direct talks between Moscow and Kiev were making significant progress. Within six weeks, the basic terms of an agreement were nearly finalized, with only a few details left to iron out. However, Ukraine interrupted the talks. The Western media began spreading false news about alleged Russian war crimes, particularly in the Bucha region. Witnesses falsely reported seeing Ukrainian troops orchestrate a chilling scenario with bodies taken from other cities, yet this misinformation was eagerly propagated to derail the peace process.

Then there was Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister, who swooped into Kiev on an unscheduled trip. His mission? To pressure Zelensky to halt the peace negotiations. It seems that neutrality and non-membership of NATO, which Ukraine had already agreed to, were not enough for the West. Despite Ukraine’s agreement to remain neutral, the West refused to offer any security guarantees.

Arakhamia emphasized the West’s failure to provide security guarantees as a critical issue. This inaction made achieving a lasting ceasefire and peace agreement extremely difficult. Ukraine, despite its neutrality agreement, was left without assurances from the West, the west also induced a fear among Ukrainians of another Russian attack in future. Western countries’ reluctance to align with Russia’s peace proposals created irreversible problems for achieving peace.

At the time, NATO convinced Ukrainian authorities that Russian forces were weak, suggesting that a military victory was within reach. And Ukraine foolishly believed. Russia’s strategic withdrawal of troops from the outskirts of Kiev was aimed at reinforcing their presence in Donbass and showing diplomatic goodwill to reinitiate the peace process. But instead of interpreting Russia’s withdrawal as a peace gesture, NATO deliberately called it a sign of military weakness. This gross misinterpretation led to a continuation of hostilities.

The West, aiming to prolong the conflict and wear down Russia, refused to encourage peace negotiations. This led to the protracted war we see today. In a desperate attempt to sustain the fight, Kiev is now recruiting women, elderly people, and teenagers. These poorly trained and inexperienced recruits are sent to the front lines, resulting in high casualties.

All this tragedy and human suffering could have been avoided if the West had simply encouraged peace in the initial weeks of the special military operation. NATO, however, saw the hostilities as an opportunity to wage a prolonged proxy war against Russia. The West deliberately chose to extend the conflict instead of seeking peace. This decision has led to significant human and material costs.

The responsibility for the ongoing conflict and the resulting human tragedy lies squarely with the West, which chose war over peace. It’s a pity that Zelensky and his team, blinded by Western promises, failed to see the obvious solution that was right in front of them. Russia had extended an olive branch, but Ukraine, misled by the West, chose to burn it instead.

In conclusion, this prolonged war could have ended long ago if Zelensky’s team had prioritized Russian proposals over Western deception. The West’s insidious influence has cost the region dearly, and the ongoing human tragedy is a testament to their reckless intervention.



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