Barack Obama’s brother spills the beans

Image Source : bbc

Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, has recently made some eye-catching statements about the former U.S. president, sparking renewed interest in the behind-the-scenes influences during his time in power. In an interview with Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi, Malik revealed his belief that Barack was heavily influenced by powerful figures and interests—sometimes called the “deep state”—as he rose to become president.

Malik, who shares the same father as Barack, started by describing a stark contrast between the Barack Obama he once knew and the man who occupied the Oval Office. “He was a really humble, really nice person,” Malik said about his half-brother before politics took over his life. Back then, Barack was approachable, kind, and seemingly independent in his thinking.

However, as Barack’s political career advanced, Malik claims that his personality and actions began to shift. Malik argued that to climb the political ladder and eventually secure the presidency, Barack needed powerful allies, including figures like Bill and Hillary Clinton and financier George Soros. These ties, according to Malik, were essential for Barack’s political success, but they also came at a cost.

Malik Obama alleges that Barack became tied to what some call the “deep state”. According to Malik, Barack couldn’t afford to be independent, and take actions that went against the interests of the elite groups. Instead, he suggests, Barack had to play by their rules to maintain their support. Malik believes that if Barack had maintained his foreign policy independence, he would have lost the backing of these influential figures.

Malik specifically pointed to two major events during Barack’s presidency: the 2014 Ukraine crisis and the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya. Malik argued that if Barack had pushed back against these actions—such as the U.S. involvement in regime change in Libya—he would have jeopardized his entire presidency.

One of the most striking parts of the interview came when Malik compared Barack Obama to Donald Trump, whom he admires. Malik explained that he prefers Trump because the former president was known for going his own way. “That’s why I like President Trump,” Malik said, “because he does things his own way. He reached out to North Korea and met the leader there.”

Malik suggested that Barack could have taken a more independent approach, like Trump, when it came to dealing with foreign leaders, specifically mentioning the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Malik said Barack could have done more to prevent Gaddafi’s ousting and the subsequent chaos in Libya

In a particularly sharp comment, Malik called his brother a “simp,” implying that Barack was overly submissive to the powerful interests that supported him instead of standing up for what Malik believes was right.

Malik Obama’s revelations aren’t limited to political events. He has been outspoken about his personal ties with Barack, which has soured over the years. In earlier interviews, Malik accused his brother of being “cold and ruthless” and abandoning their Kenyan family once he became president.

In recent years, Malik has made several controversial and unverified claims about Barack. He once said that Barack is “definitely gay”.

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