Our today's story begins with Pierre Poilievre's year-end interviews, causing a stir among liberals. Their extreme reaction led to an actual press...
In the aftermath of PV Narasimha Rao's bold crackdown on Khalistani separatists in India, a seismic upheaval rattled the movement's core. Pressured...
Trudeau's government is really stirring the pot, gunning for tough emission limits in the oil and gas game. But this green shift...
Before 2014, the phrase “stay woke” was not widely recognized outside the US and more specifically the Black community inside the US....
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Trudeau's beloved TV network, just dropped a bombshell: massive layoffs, job cuts, and budget slashes! Can you...
Bill S-210, termed the Protecting Young Persons from Exposure to Pornography Act, recently passed the Senate, despite prior contentious discussions surrounding Bills...
Canada is just getting more and more insane. This week the Liberal government has decided to now put tampons in male washrooms....
Canada finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with the intersecting challenges of a housing crisis and an influx of migrants. The nation's...
Following the closure of Roxham Road, the influx of illegal immigrants into Canada hasn't dwindled; it has simply shifted. While the dramatic...
In the face of a global energy crisis spurred by rising climate concerns, Canada's resource-rich province of Alberta finds itself at a...
Hold onto your toques, folks, because we're diving headfirst into a phenomenon that's got international talent giving the Great White North a...
There's growing talk among liberal circles regarding Justin Trudeau's future. Insiders suggest Trudeau might resign in early 2024 if current numbers don't...