Trump destroys Joe Biden over his disastrous policies concerning energy, jobs, immigration, women and much more

Biden, Trump

As was predicted by TFI earlier, former President Donald Trump took to the stage of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and ripped into Joe Biden and his administration for its disastrous policies – whether they concern America’s national security, borders, women, energy, jobs or the new President’s handling of Iran and China.

Trump also took certain Republicans – who had voted in favour of his impeachment, to the cleaners. He then called news of him creating a new party – as was being speculated by many, as ‘fake’. In a speech that lasted for ninety minutes, Trump emphasised how Biden had taken the White House’s strategy from that of ‘America First’ to ‘America Last’.

CPAC, which for long has been perceived by the American mainstream media and liberals as a far-right cringe-fest, was effectively turned into a mainstream event that dominates the US’ news cycles. Who made this possible? Short answer – Donald Trump.

As much as the media, Democrats and liberals despise the man, Trump turned a taboo-like conference of conservatives into an event that hit the headlines – even if for the same old purpose of slandering the 45th President.

Amid chants of “USA, USA, USA,” Donald Trump roared, “Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history.”

He said, summing up the crux of his entire speech, that Joe Biden’s administration was “anti-jobs, anti-families, anti-border, anti-energy, anti-women and anti-science.” TFI has comprehensively reported on all these issues, and Donald Trump made it a point to corner Biden on each one of them.

Read more: At the annual CPAC meeting, Trump is going to rip into Biden for his stupid immigration policy, anti-White racism, and China

Joe Biden has made it a priority to defang ICE and open the country to hordes of illegal infiltrators. Trump, speaking about Biden’s mindless immigration policy, said, “By recklessly eliminating our border, security measures, controls, all the things we put into place, Joe Biden has triggered a massive flood of illegal immigration into our country as we’ve never seen before.” By curtailing the powers of ICE, Biden plans to create a pathway to citizenship for at least 11 million illegal immigrants.

Shortly after coming to power, Biden passed a blanket order that banned new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits on federal land and in federal water for 60 days. Such reckless decisions have imperilled America’s energy sector and created uncertainty among scores of Americans about the stability of their jobs.

Trump said that at first, he too thought that the new President was “okay with energy”. However, he added, “He’s not okay with energy. He wants windmills, the windmills. The windmills that don’t work when you need them. Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history.”

Further tearing into Biden and his endeavour to strip Americans of their jobs, Trump said, “He cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline destroying not the 8,000 or the 9,000 or the 11,000 jobs that you hear.”

Read more: Democrats in battleground states are not liking Biden’s clean energy changes at all and will not go ahead with it

Alleging that the Biden administration was taking America down the path of socialism, Trump called the present rulers of the White House “anti-women”.

It must be pointed out that Joe Biden has been working overtime to desecrate all gender norms, in line with the larger ‘woke-pandemic’ that has gripped America. As such, he and his proxies have made norms that allow transgenders, and basically, anyone who ‘identifies’ as a woman or female to participate in women sports. This has been met with stiff resistance from women sportspersons, who now fear being left out far behind the new-entrants who although are meant for sporting under the mens’ category, will now gain an undue advantage by competing against actual women in their space.

This is in large contestation to Biden’s own claims of promoting scientific temperament while governing America. For pray tell, how can one claim to be a proponent of science, and at the same time, work towards a fictitious theory of an unsustainable number of non-existent genders co-existing with each other? It is for this simple reason that Trump also labelled Biden “anti-science”.

TFI had also predicted that Donald Trump would not spare fellow-Republicans who had voted in favour of his impeachment.

Attacking Republicans like Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., and Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. – who he called a “warmonger”, Trump remarked, “We cannot have leaders who show more passion for condemning their fellow Americans than they ever have for standing up to Democrats, the media and the radicals who want to turn America into a socialist country.”

How could Donald Trump possibly give a miss to Biden’s disastrous foreign policy, which has ended up alienating US’ allies like never before? On the issue of Iran and the new Biden administration prostrating before it, Trump said, “…the new administration unilaterally withdrew our crippling sanctions on Iran, foolishly giving away all of America’s leveraged before negotiations have even begun. Leave the sanctions negotiated. Does anybody understand what I’m saying here?”

Joe Biden has decided to re-join the World Health Organisation – a body which in recent past has been uncovered as one which is co-opted by the CCP and also gets paid by it fatly.

Trump, on the issue of China and WHO said, “In another horrendous surrender he agreed to get back into the World Health Organization.” He then went on to compare the large sums of money dolled out by America prior to Trump withdrawing the country from the WHO, to that given to the UN body by China in order to buy its allegiance and said that the root cause of such a disastrous deal was that “the people that made the deal are stupid, that’s why.”

Therefore, as expected, Trump took down the Biden administration by hitting at it from all angles possible.

Mind you, this was just the very first public appearance which the 45th President made after leaving the White House. In the four years of Biden’s disastrous rule which remain, Trump will continue battering it, seamlessly building his own campaign for the 2024 presidential polls.

The media, meanwhile, has gone ballistic in a frenzied mode, and is doing nothing but deriding Trump and calling the CPAC stage a ‘Nordic rune’ used by the Nazis.

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