‘Biden has left Israel to burn,’ Trump rips into Biden for tacitly supporting Palestine

Biden, israel, trump

Sitting US President Joe Biden has left Israel to fend for itself, in face of a barrage of rockets but Donald Trump is backing the Jewish nation with all his might. He has ripped apart the Biden administration for its obnoxious and insensitive remarks about the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict.

Trump said, “When I was in office we were known as the Peace Presidency, because Israel’s adversaries knew that the United States stood strongly with Israel and there would be swift retribution if Israel was attacked.” He added, “Under Biden, the world is getting more violent and more unstable because Biden’s weakness and lack of support for Israel is leading to new attacks on our allies.”

Trump and Israel have every reason to be angry for the Palestinian offensive into Israel. Since Tuesday, Hamas- the terror group that controls Gaza has fired over 1050 rockets targeting Southern and Central Israel, including the city of Tel Aviv.

Hamas is targeting innocent Israeli civilians. The terror group fired rockets at Tel Aviv at 3 AM on Wednesday in a bid to target Israeli children, women and other civilians while they were asleep. Civilians in Southern and Central Israel had to spend their night in shelters to protect themselves from the rockets which were being fired from Gaza.

Not just rockets, Hamas is also firing in anti-tank missiles into Israel, apart from trying to intrude a UAV into the Jewish nation. However, Israel’s Iron Dome Aerial Defense System is intercepting and blocking Hamas attacks directed at Israeli citizens. In response to the provocations by Hamas, Israel has successfully struck many terror targets in Gaza, apart from neutralising top Hamas leaders.

But the main issue is Biden’s silence after Hamas’ attempts to unleash terror in Israel. Had Trump been in power, he would have never let Hamas or any other anti-Israel terror group go this far. He wouldn’t have stayed quiet. In fact, the former US President would have backed Israel tacitly, apart from taming Palestine and Hamas.

Even now Trump has urged the US to stand up for Israel. He said, “America must always stand with Israel and make clear that the Palestinians must end the violence, terror, and rocket attacks, and make clear that the U.S. will always strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself.”

Trump blasted Biden for his silence. But we must add that Biden has not only kept silent, rather he has also abandoned Israel. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki spoke about the ongoing escalation between Israel and Palestine. Her remarks were diplomatically balanced at best and critical of Israel at worst.

She said, “[Biden] has directed his team to engage intensively with senior Israeli and Palestinian officials, as well as leaders throughout the Middle East.” Psaki added,  “His team is communicating a clear and consistent message in support of deescalation and that is our primary focus.”

So, “deescalation” is the “primary focus”. If you between the lines- taming a terror group like Hamas and reining in Palestine-based terror groups is not on the list of Biden’s priorities.

Biden is vouching for co-existence and peace, even if the aggressor is a terror group. But then why did the sitting President and like-minded men in the US did not apply the same logic after 9/ 11. What was the need to drag out and kill Saddam Hussein back in 2003, if “deescalation” is really the “primary focus” of power brokers in the United States?

But Psaki didn’t stop here. Consider this- hundreds of rockets and other weapons are being fired at Israel, but the White House Press Secretary chose the occasion to complain about Jerusalem. She condemned the “extremism that has inflicted violence on both communities.” This condemnation seems related to unrest in Jerusalem over the past few days.

In fact, Psaki added, “Jerusalem, a city of such importance to people of faith around the world, must be a place of coexistence.” She concluded, “It is up to the officials, residents and leaders to restore [the] city to a place of calm.”

This is victim-blaming of the worst kind. A complex legal process is underway regarding Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem. So what? Does that give a right to Hamas to bomb Israeli civilians? And does it mean that the Biden administration will draw an outrageous link between the Israeli settlements dispute and the ongoing escalation in tensions?

It is Biden’s compulsion to school Israel about co-existence. He has inherited Obama’s legacy of advocating a two-State solution that professes to abandon Israel and letting the situation escalate while pushing for an independent Palestinian State. Now, when Israel strikes back at terror groups, the US liberals and other Western powers would again try to pan Israel over alleged human rights violations.

With his populist and politically correct proclamations, Biden has created a vote bank for himself that blurs the line between liberalism and Islamist radicalism of the kind that Hamas practices. After coming to power, this is what Biden has done – isolate Israel and let Hamas do what it wants to do. This is also why Biden was trying to insult Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu after coming to power.

Anyhow, Israel will continue defending itself against all acts of aggression, with or without the US. Ultimately, it is Biden who will be booted out from the region for backstabbing the Jewish nation.

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