Spanish Politician says ‘men cannot get pregnant’ and gets banned by Twitter

Spain, Twitter, woke culture, Liberals, Big Tech,


Last week, a member of Spain’s far-right Vox party was banned from Twitter for saying that “a man cannot get pregnant.” According to Fox News, Francisco José Contreras was suspended from his account for 12 hours for making the statement and following it up with the claim that men have “no uterus or eggs.” He was responding to a story about a transgender man who said he had “given birth” to a baby girl and was now a father.

Contreras said on Facebook that Twitter informed him that his comments had breached the company’s hate speech policies. He also included a diagram to help explain his point. He broke Twitter’s policy “against content that threatens, harasses, or fosters violence against other people based on their race, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religion, age, disability, or disease,” according to the company.
Twitter further warned him: “Keep in mind that repeated defaults may lead to permanent suspension of your account. Go to Twitter now to fix the problem with your account.” Contreras supporters did not accept the ban and rose in numbers to support him.

Spain, Twitter, woke culture, Liberals, Big Tech,
Supporters of Contreras started using the #AManCannotBePregnant hashtag to show support for him. Contreras concluded: “We will not yield to Twitter imposing a twisted (and anthropologically wrong) worldview. We will continue to speak the truth about human nature. Biological truth should not be regarded as ‘hate speech’. It’s biology, not bigotry.”

This is not the first time that the Vox Party’s tweets have been flagged. Twitter disabled the official Vox party’s account 24 hours in January, according to the Spanish Counting Stars publication, after the group alleged that high crime rates were linked to immigrants from North Africa.

Social media behemoths have publicly admitted that they are not impartial and that their outlets are skewed to the left. But Blocking access to Twitter’s vicious propaganda is not the same as shutting down the Internet, as Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and his inner circle of Vulcans should understand.

Twitter, among other Big Techs, has been the major proponent of Woke Culture throughout the world and has, at the same time, been involved in silencing the opposition, mainly right wing views and thoughts. The Woke culture has gripped the US and has systematically destroyed the cultural heritage.

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Since American leftists prefer to measure past centuries’ behaviour by the expectations and metrics of the twenty-first century, American leaders like Abraham Lincoln are becoming victims of the “cancel culture.”
To sum it all up, a user was banned for saying a man, a human male, cannot give birth to a child. Is it anatomically correct? Yes. Does it conform to common sense? Yes. Did Twitter ban someone for speaking common sense and fact again? Yes. Will Twitter next say that 2+2=4 is also hate speech? Well, maybe, because mathematics has already been called a racist subject in the US.

Woke culture has been on the rise, especially in the United States, but there is a line which needs to be drawn as Contreras explained, between biology and bigotry. Stating biological facts cannot be hate speech. And Twitter had to resume Contreras handle after a suspension of 12 hours. While woke culture has created space in the feeble mindsets of Americans, but Europeans are not giving their cultural heritage and freedom to be governed by the social media woke police.

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