Winter is coming for Canadians and the next 3 months will be the most painful

Dear Canadians, Winter is coming!

I mean, the next three months are going to be the most painful for you

Canadian businesses have a scathing message for the Canadian people and government.

Challenges are piling up; economic miseries are bound to expand.

The next 100 days are going to be extremely arduous for poor Canadians to survive through. 

Most Canadian businesses are sure to breathe their last in the next 3 months due to the supply chain crisis created by the government of Justin Trudeau. The dolt prime minister wants to impose draconian restrictive measures on the Canadian people for not succumbing to his vaccine mandates, with no regard to their ill effects on the Canadian economy.

Businesses reel under severe supply disruptions

For instance, Trudeau’s covid policies have now led to fatal supply chain disruptions in the country. A recent analysis of supply chains in Canada by a team of economists and experts has revealed how Canada is sleepwalking into an economic crisis of epic proportions. As per the analysis, “Similar to the previous quarter, of businesses that expect to experience supply chain challenges, the vast majority also expect supply chain challenges to either worsen or remain about the same over the next three months, and businesses plan to use various strategies to address supply chain issues.”

The construction sector is the worst hit, which is expected to further exacerbate the housing crisis in the country. The experts wrote in their analysis, “Nearly half of businesses in construction (47.8%) and manufacturing (43.9%) expect difficulty acquiring inputs, products, or supplies domestically over the next three months.”

Covid policies to be blamed

For the dire state of Canadian businesses, brazen covid restrictions imposed by the Trudeau regime have also been blamed. As per a report by Statistics Canada, “Many businesses have not yet fully recovered from the prior tightening and closing of borders, restrictions on the movement of people and goods, and lockdowns. As a result, the status of supply chains and the impact they have on their respective economies are of great interest.”

Take the freedom convoy or Truckers’ protest, for example. The strikes pushed Canada into a state of emergency. Inflation went up and shortages of important goods were felt not only in Canada but also in the US. Truckers are the lifeline of any nation’s economy. Without addressing their concerns, how can ‘Trudope’ bring the Canadian economy back on track? Actually, there’s an ego war going on between Trudeau and the freedom-loving Canadian people. For now, Trudeau is refusing to budge, but it won’t be long before he bows down to infuriated Canadians.

Source: BBC

And not to mention, that the Trudeau government has no intention of relaxing its stringent Covid mandates and regulations. The Prime Minister has once again announced plans to bring back strict restrictions if 80-90% of Canadians are not “up-to-date” with their Covid vaccines by the fall.

Read More: Canada is in recession but Alberta isn’t, and Trudeau doesn’t like that 

Farmers up in arms

Furthermore, the carbon tax policy of the Trudeau government, along with a mindless and unplanned transition to green energy, has also rocked the boat for many Canadian businesses. Adding to that, Trudeau’s ill-thought sanctions on Russian fertilizers have already taken farmers by surprise, and they are in no mood to let Trudeau off the hook. They are also having kittens over Trudeau’s nitrogen policy. Farmers believe that Trudeau is hell-bent on rendering Canadians foodless and powerless in his blind affection for green policies, pushed by invisible powers controlling Trudeau.

Read more: Trudeau shamelessly fills Guyana’s coffers at the expense of the Canadian economy

So, dear Canadians, winter is coming for you! Winters, where you won’t have enough food to feed your families; businesses won’t have enough supply chains to survive through this painful phase. People will eventually lose their jobs and the Canadian economy will steer closer to stagflation. It’s high time for Canadians to take the matter into their own hands and kick Trudope out of the PM’s office before he drives the nation towards complete catastrophe.

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